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Third Violation $1,000.00 <br />Fourth Violation � $1,500.00 <br />_.. _ .., .,...._... - - - -...._ _ ._ _ ._...._ . . ., ... , _ ....,._.... _ . . ........... <br />First Violation $500.00 <br />Minor Consumption Violation Second Violation _ $1,000.00 <br />without Server Training Third Violation ___ ____ $1,500.00 <br />Fourth Violation $2�000.00 and may be subject to <br />license revocation <br />� '�, " a � � <br />�� � <br />E r_ ����. <br />Zoning Ordinance $0.25 per side <br />Municipal Code � <br />Comprehens�ve Plan ' <br />....- - - - ...._ _...._. _...._..._:.. ... _....._ _..... - - - - .._.. <br />ColorMa s(8 5 x 11) � � $2.00 <br />_Color Maps_�11 x 17) $4.00 <br />_..._... _.. .,......_,..- - - -...- - - -... ...- - - - - -... _.. _......,._ _...._..... <br />Street Ma s _.. _... _ I _... _.. _ $2.00 <br />As-Builts (11 x 17) Based on number of copies and <br />staff time <br />, <br />� �u <br />� _ ., i <br />(Youth Athletic Association ,(Per four hour time blockl ($7.50 per time block+A <br />Field Rental a licable tax <br />(Adult Club / Intramural Field i(Per iwo hour time blockl ($20.00 per time block + <br />Rental a licable tax <br />Ball Field Rental, Unlighted � Per four hour time block. �8�88 ($32•00) per � time <br />', Tournament fees are ea�tra. block + applicable tax <br />Ball Field Rental, Lighted ; Per four hour time block. $80.00 per time block + <br />; Tournament fees are extra. _ applicable tax <br />_..._...._ _....._ _...._.. _ .... ....._... .,...,.._. <br />Ball Field Tournament Fee s Includes all day maintenance $500.00 per day +$100.00 <br />Adult), Full Maintenance staff on site _ dama e de osit + a licable tax <br />Ball Field Toumament Fee � Includes prep for fields and $340.00 per day +$100.00 <br />Adult), Minimum Maintenance � midda dra of fields dama e de osit + a licable t� <br />Warming House RentaUIce Rink � Only allowed during non-public $25.00_( er hour + <br />Rental use hours $100.00 damage deposit+ <br />a licable tax <br />Picnic Shelters, Resident � Includes up to three picnic tables $35.00 per day + applicable tax <br />e_ ,. . , r,...i, , ,.,,.�;..a_ - <br />Picnic Shelters — Non-Resident Includes up to three picnic tables $50.00 per day = aPP���a:� �-�v <br />� P. , o +,..,..1, .,��.,:«.... . <br />� € __ _.._..._ <br />Picnic Shelters — ; Includes up to three picnic tables $10.00 per day 1���,--��v <br />ResidentNon Profit ° '_ _r _ _ _ _ <br />_ _..._...._ _...._...._.. _.._. _..... .._..._... _ ._.. . <br />Picnic Shelters - � Includes up to three picnic tables $35.00 per day 1^��� <br />OtherNon-Profit °• � � *��"" "�"'":"�' <br />Picnic Pavilions - Resident ' Includes up to five picnic tables $50.00 per day +$T00.00 <br />�. *�-��'-��'� , , damage deposit + $50.00 key <br />deposit + a licable tax <br />Picnic Pavilions — Non-Resident ' Includes up to five picnic tables �S.-9� ($75.00 per day + <br />R- *�-� � �-^�'� � . $100.00 damage deposit+ <br />$50.00 key deposit + applicable <br />ta�c <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />