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BY-LAWS OF THE ARDEN HILLS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />DATED: APRIL 14,1997 <br />1. THE AUTHORITY <br />Section 1.1. Name of the Authority. <br />The name of the Authority shall be the Arden Hills Economic <br />Development Authority (hereinafter, the "Authority"), and its governing <br />body shall be called the Board of Commissioners (hereinafter, the <br />"Board"). <br />Section 1.2. Office. <br />The principal office of the Authority shall be the Arden Hills City Offices. <br />Section 1.3. Seal. <br />The official seal of the City of Arden Hills shall be the Authority's official <br />seal. <br />2. ORGANIZATION <br />Section 2.1. Officers. <br />The officers of the Authority shall consist of a President, a Vice President, <br />a Secretary-Treasurer, Controller, and an Executive Director. The <br />President, the Vice President shall be members of the Board and shall be <br />elected annually at the annual meeting. No Commissioner may serve as <br />President and Vice President at the same time. The offices of Secretary- <br />Treasurer, Controller, and Executive Director shall be appointed as set <br />forth herein. <br />Section 2.2. President. <br />The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The President <br />shall be the Mayor. <br />Section 2.3. Vice President. <br />The Vice President shall preside at any meeting of the Board in the <br />absence of the President and may exercise all powers and perform all <br />responsibilities of the President if the President cannot exercise or perform <br />the same due to absence or other inability. The Vice President shall be the <br />Acting Mayor. <br />