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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 17, 2011 5 <br /> undergraduate students to as many as 3,500. However, the largest opportunity for growth is in the <br /> adult graduate program area. <br /> Kathleen Nelson, Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration, Bethel University, <br /> explained that more and more students participate in on-line programs and they have no physical <br /> presence on campus. Also, a lot of their adult students attend on a part-time basis. <br /> Dean Rodeheaver explained that the issues identified include: <br /> - Critical shortage of classroom, laboratory, and office space (major shortage in the <br /> sciences). As a result, offices have been placed in areas where they probably shouldn't be. <br /> - Enrollment increases <br /> - Integration and organization <br /> - Quality education environment <br /> - Identity of the Bethel education experience and how to deliver that intentionally <br /> Dean Rodeheaver explained the central piece to this process is the Arden Hills campus and the <br /> question is how to bring all these pieces together in a way that provides a good experience for <br /> students. The seminary students consider the seminary to be a separate institute from the <br /> university so they hope to pull the campus together to a more integrated experience. <br /> Dean Rodeheaver stated the last piece of this process involves a series of spaces outside the <br /> campus itself, such as the Bethel office complex, the former county library on County Road E2, <br /> the regional education center, Fountain Terrace apartments, and whether or not the Red Fox Road <br /> location should continue to be leased for classrooms. One of the issues driving this review by <br /> Bethel is the highway projects that will be impacting the area for the next several years; this is of <br /> particular concern for the Red Fox Road location. The Bethel office complex is not easy to get to <br /> and will be even more difficult to reach over the next five years. Consequently, they need to <br /> consider how they will find space on the campus itself to move the uses of the Bethel office <br /> building and the Red Fox Road location back onto campus. <br /> Dean Rodeheaver stated that it is their understanding that Arden Hills is looking for bike and <br /> pedestrian paths which they are open to and will build into their Master Plan. Also, based on <br /> discussions with the City Planner, they know that there are storm water issues they need to pay <br /> attention to and that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) needs to be involved in some of <br /> the issues they will be addressing. As a part of the Master Plan to be proposed, they will be <br /> recommending that the Bethel office complex on County Road F no longer be used and that <br /> everyone currently working in that building be moved either to a regional center or to the Arden <br /> Hills campus. As far as the former county library site, the driving force is that Bethel has a <br /> serious space issue so they need to use that property for something. He asked for Council <br /> feedback on parameters for that site. <br /> Councilmembers Homes and Holden both commented that the former library property is zoned <br /> R1, Residential. <br /> Dean Rodeheaver stated they would also like the Council's help, along with the DNR, on making <br /> a more visible link between the campus and Valentine Lake as the view from Bethel to the lake is <br />