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City of Arden Hills Chapter 15 Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance <br />Subd.26 Surface Water or Waters. All streams, lalces, ponds, marshes, wetlands, <br />reservoirs, springs, rivers, drainage systems, waterways, watercourses, and irrigation systems <br />whether natural or artificial, public or private. <br />Subd.27 Utility. The owner/operator of any underground facility including an <br />underground line, facility, system, and its appurtenances used to produce, store, convey, <br />transmit, or distribute communications, data, electricity, power, heat, gas, oil, petroleum <br />products, water (including stormwater), steam, sewage and other similar substances. <br />Subd. 28 Watercourse. Any natural or improved stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, <br />conduit, gutter, culvert, drain, gully, swale, or wash in which waters flow either continuously <br />or intermittently. <br />Subd. 29 Watershed. A region draining to a specific river, river system, or body of water. <br />Subd. 30 Wetlands. A lowland area such as a marsh, that is saturated with moisture, as <br />defined in Sec. 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1987, or the <br />Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 199L <br />Section 1520 — Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Review <br />1520.01 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. <br />Subd. 1 Required. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan must be submitted to the PWD <br />for every project involving a land disturbance activity. No building permit, site plan <br />approval, subdivision approval, or permit to allow land disturbing activities shall be issued <br />and no earth disturbing activity shall commence until approval of the Erosion and Sediment <br />Control Plan. <br />Projects coordinated by Ramsey County or Mn/DOT do not require a permit; however, <br />the PWD shall be notified of the project and be provided a copy of the Erosion and <br />Sediment Control Plan, as well as an estimated schedule for commencement and <br />completion. The PWD shall notify the designated contact if erosion control measures <br />should fail or require maintenance with the expectation that the deficiencies will be <br />corrected. <br />If no permit has been obtained, a stop work order may be issued on the construction and a <br />fine may be issued in an amount equal to twice the required permit fee. A completed <br />Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and permit application shall be submitted before <br />construction will be allowed to resume. <br />Obtaining a permit does not exempt the Permittee from obtaining permits required by <br />other governmental agencies. <br />1500 - 5 <br />