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City of Arden Hills Chapter 15 Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance <br />soil erosion and sedimentation as officially ado�ted by the Citv. '' ''' `"" �"'+ ""+ "'"''� � <br />��zo��zz ; o��-=�ozz����� <br />�„ ��,o � �,,,.:,;rn ,,...,,,,,.,��. <br />� • <br />n �,r• � c� � ��r � <br />i• „ _ � . . . � . <br />:.,,:.;s � �. <br />S�Subd. 8 Excavation. The mechanical removal of earth material. <br />��-BSubd. 9 Fill. The deposit of soil or other earth materials placed by artificial <br />means. <br />��Subd. 10 General Storm Water Permit. The Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency's (MPCA) general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) <br />construction storm water permit covering anyone conducting a land disturbing activity which <br />disturbs one (1) or more acres of total land area. <br />�9Subd. 11 Grading. Excavation or fill of material, including the resulting <br />conditions thereof. <br />�-�Subd. 12 Land Disturbance Activity. Any land change �reater than 5,000 square <br />feet or 50 cubic vards or land change on a parcel of land located within a shoreland area or <br />adj acent to a surface water that may result in soil erosion from wind, water and/or ice and the <br />movement of sediments into or upon waters or lands of the city, including but not limited to <br />construction, clearing and grubbing, grading, excavating, transporting and filling of land. <br />Land Disturbance Activity does not mean the following: <br />A. Minor land disturbance activities such as home gardens and an individual's home <br />landscaping, repairs and maintenance work; <br />B. Additions or modifications to existing single-family dwellings that will result in <br />creating under �&AA9-5,000 square feet of exposed soil and/or impervious surface <br />,.� . ,;�t,; �t,,, o�.,�a „- <br />� �� <br />C. Construction, installation and maintenance of electric, telephone, and cable television <br />utility lines or individual service connection to these utilities, except where a <br />minimum of �&AAA5,000 square feet of land disturbance can be anticipated; <br />D. Tilling, planting or harvesting of agricultural, horticultural, or silvicultural crops; <br />E. Installation of fence, sign, telephone, and electric poles and other kinds of posts, <br />bollards or poles; and <br />F. Emergency work to protect life, limb, or property and emergency repairs. However, <br />if the land disturbing activity would have required an approved Erosion and Sediment <br />1500 - 3 <br />