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5N, Approve a Contract with Kimley Horn, Inc., for Old Highway 10 Bridge Design
City Council
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5N, Approve a Contract with Kimley Horn, Inc., for Old Highway 10 Bridge Design
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10/24/2024 11:13:27 AM
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12/9/2011 7:39:36 AM
December 12, 2011 Reg City Council Meeti
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Mr. Mall Woodruff, P.E. <br />October IS, 20l0 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />structure will continue to deteriorate, with the core of the deterioration occurring <br />at the deck spall under the southbound lanes_ Based upon normal deterioration <br />levels, we anticipate this structure will be considered Structurally Deficient in the <br />next few years. <br />The existing bridge also does not provide the necessary width to ailow two-way <br />vehicular traffic and the desired shared-use (bicycle and pedestrian) path along <br />Oid Snelling Avenue. Either a separate structure wouid be required for the path, <br />or an unsafe condition constricting the vehicles and pedestrians onto the existing <br />width that would not meet Mn/DOT State Aid standards. <br />Structure Recommendation <br />Based upon the condition af the existing bridge, the narrow deck width, and the <br />desire to add a trail along this alignment, we recommend the City consider <br />repiacing this bridge as part of the Old Snelling Avenue improvements. A <br />replacement structure would accommodate the loading capacity of a two-lane <br />roadway and a multi-use traii and would be constructed to Mn/DOT State Aid <br />Standards. The structure lype will likely be a culvert. This type of str�cture <br />would allow the roadway and trail to span over the drainage channel and a <br />culvert is the most cost effective structure type. Culverts are also a very low <br />maintenance structure when constructed correctly. <br />In review of the existing hydraulics, we assume that we will need to �rovide a <br />similar waterway opening as the existing bridge so that base flood elevations are <br />not significantly affected. Based upon the Flood Insurance Study, the Josephine <br />Lake Discharge Channel has a 100-year (i% annual chance) flood elevation of <br />880.1 immediately upstream of the Old Sneiling Bridge, and 879.9 immediately <br />downstream. The low chord on the existing bridge is 886.12, approximately 6- <br />feet above the flood elevation. <br />Based upon the survey of the existing channel, the waterway opening is <br />approximately 20-feet long and 2 feet high. We anticipate two lOx4 box culverts <br />will provide tt�e required waterway opening, and allow for a 1-foot freeboard to <br />the low-ct�ord. The box culverts are estimated to have a total length of 90-feet, to <br />provide the roadway and trail section across the channel with the anticipated <br />recovery zones. <br />During preliminary and final design of the structure, a detailed hydraulic analysis <br />will need to be conducted. The culvert sizing anticipated in this report would be <br />finalized during this phase of the project. We have conservatively assumed that <br />the waterway area provided by the culvert would need to closely resemble what <br />is provided by the existing bridge. This will provide a conservative cost estimate <br />for the str�cture. <br />Since the culvert construction would have impacts on the surrounding wetlands, <br />floodplain, and floodway, several permits would be required. These permits <br />include: <br />
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