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STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 2011-015 <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGARDING WATER, SEWER, SURFACE WATER UTILITIES, <br /> AND ILLICIT DISCHARGE AND CONNECTIONS REGULATIONS <br /> The Arden Hills City Council hereby amends Chapter 10 and its subdivision in the Arden <br /> Hills City Code to read as follows: <br /> Chapter 10 Utilities* <br /> Section 1000 -Water* <br /> 1000.01 General Operation and Administration. <br /> Subd. 1 Public Utility. The City water system, hereinafter called "the water system," shall be <br /> operated as a public utility and convenience from which revenue will be derived, subject to the <br /> provisions of this section. <br /> Subd. 2 General Administration. The general administration of the water system shall be under <br /> the direction and control of the City Administrator, who shall report to the Council upon request <br /> of the Council. The City Administrator is hereinafter referred to as the Administrator. He or she <br /> shall be authorized to appoint representatives, either salaried or nonsalaried, to discharge the <br /> duties provided by this section and such other responsibilities as may arise in administration of <br /> the water system. The City Administrator shall be promptly and fully advised as to the <br /> appointment of the representatives. <br /> Subd. 3 Records. The City Administrator shall be responsible for the keeping of records relating <br /> to the water system, including records of permits and finances in connection therewith. <br /> Subd. 4 Engineer. The City Engineer shall perform the duties provided for him or her in this <br /> section and shall provide additional consultation and advice as the City Administrator shall <br /> request from time to time. <br /> Subd. 5 Private Wells. References in this section to the water system shall not be deemed to apply to <br /> privately-owned wells unless the language used specifically requires such application. <br /> *State law references-Utilities,M.S. §§412.321 et seq.; municipally owned utilities,M.S. <br /> Ch.452;waterworks,sewers, drains,storm sewers,M.S. Ch.444 <br /> .*State law references-Waterworks,M.S. Ch.444,authority to provide for waterworks, <br /> M.S. §412.221 (11); sewer and water connections,M.S.§412.221 (31) <br />