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Last modified
10/17/2024 12:11:22 AM
Creation date
12/14/2011 9:02:11 AM
Ordinance 2011-015
General - Type
Ordinance 2011-015
Ordinance 2011-015
Chapter 10 Utilities
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necessary to accomplish this purpose, and the property owner shall be responsible for carrying out the <br /> instructions as the plumbing inspector deems necessary to accomplish this purpose. <br /> 1010.08 Types of Wastes Restricted or Prohibited. It shall be unlawful to discharge any wastes or cause <br /> or allow any wastes to be discharged into the municipal sanitary sewer system of the City which do not <br /> comply with the laws and regulations promulgated by the state or as set forth in this section. <br /> Subd. 1 Grease, Oil and Sand. To ensure the proper discharge of waste containing excessive <br /> amounts of grease, oil or sand, the City plumbing inspector may require that grease, oil and sand <br /> traps or interceptors be provided, which traps or interceptors shall comply in all respects with the <br /> requirements set forth in the Minnesota Plumbing Code. Traps or interceptors shall not be <br /> required for private dwelling units which discharge only normal wastes. Such traps or <br /> interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his or her expense, and shall be regularly <br /> cleaned and maintained for adequate performance and efficient operation at all times. Any <br /> subsequent alterations or additions to the traps or interceptors shall not be made without due <br /> notice to and approval by the City plumbing inspector. <br /> Subd. 2 Industrial Waste. With respect to the discharge or potential discharge of"industrial <br /> waste," which for purposes of this section shall be defined as any solid, liquid or gaseous waste, <br /> including cooling water, resulting from any industrial or manufacturing process or from the <br /> development, recovery or processing of natural resources, the discharger or potential discharger <br /> of the industrial waste shall be subject to the requirements and procedures of the MCES or the <br /> disposal system of plans and specifications for any and all facilities to be used in discharging the <br /> industrial waste, including meters and sampling facilities (if required), prior to construction and <br /> installation of the facilities. The City Engineer shall have first approved the metering equipment <br /> to be or being used prior to the submission of the plans to the MCES for approval. <br /> Subd. 3 Drainage Water. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be <br /> discharged into the municipal sanitary sewer system of the City, either directly or indirectly, any <br /> roof, storm, surface or groundwater of any type or kind. <br /> Subd. 4 Objectional Material. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be <br /> discharged, or for any property owner to allow the discharge of, any objectionable material, <br /> including, but not limited to, cloth, rags or similar materials, into the Municipal Sanitary Sewer <br /> System. In those cases where it can be determined that the objectionable materials are being <br /> discharged into the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System from a private sanitary sewer line, the <br /> City's Plumbing Inspector shall notify the property owner to either discontinue or cause to be <br /> discontinued the practice of discharging objectionable materials into the Municipal Sanitary <br /> Sewer System or, in the alternative, at the property owner's sole expense and cost, the property <br /> owner shall install and maintain traps, grinders, and/or interceptors within that portion of the <br /> private sanitary sewer line which connects to the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System. The notice <br /> shall be sent by certified mail. If the property owner fails to discontinue or cause to be <br /> discontinued the practice of discharging objectionable materials into the Municipal Sanitary <br /> Sewer System or fails to install and maintain traps, grinders and/or interceptors, the City may <br /> assess the costs incurred by the City for excessive maintenance or repairs to the Municipal <br /> Sanitary Sewer System, and may pursue other legal or equitable remedies against the property <br /> owner. <br /> 1010.09 Accidental Discharges. Section 5-15 of Article V of the Sewage and Waste Control Rules and <br /> Regulations for the Metropolitan Disposal System, is incorporated and adopted herein by reference and <br /> shall be applicable to any and all accidental discharges of prohibited waste into the sanitary sewer system <br />
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