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Last modified
10/17/2024 12:11:22 AM
Creation date
12/14/2011 9:02:11 AM
Ordinance 2011-015
General - Type
Ordinance 2011-015
Ordinance 2011-015
Chapter 10 Utilities
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Subd. 6 Repair of Public Right-Of-Way. No connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system <br /> shall be finally approved until all streets, pavements, curbs and boulevards or other public <br /> improvements thereon have been restored to their former condition to the satisfaction of the <br /> plumbing inspector. <br /> Subd. 7 Restrictions on Installation of Sump Pump System; Necessity of Obtaining Permit. Any <br /> person installing a subsurface drainage system in connection with the construction of a building <br /> shall include as part of the system a sump pump which has a permanent discharge connection to <br /> the exterior of the building. Any person installing a sump pump system in an existing building <br /> shall also provide the system with a permanent discharge connection to the exterior of the <br /> building. No person shall install a subsurface drainage system in connection with new <br /> construction or the modification of an existing building without having first obtained a permit to <br /> do so from the City and may not connect it to the sanitary sewer system. <br /> (Add 4122109) Subd. 8 Prohibited Connections of Surface Water and Ground Water Discharge Facilities <br /> to the City's Sanitary Sewer System. <br /> A. No person, owner, lessee or occupant of any parcel of land,building, or <br /> premises shall discharge, or permit to be discharged, directly or indirectly, <br /> into the sanitary sewer system any surface water or groundwater including <br /> water from roofs, yards, lawns, streets, alleys, groundwater sump pumps, <br /> footing tile, or other natural precipitation. <br /> B. A sump pump discharge system shall not be connected directly or <br /> indirectly to the City's sanitary sewer system. A sump pump shall have a <br /> permanently installed discharge line, which provides for year-round <br /> discharge to either the outside of a building or structure, or is connected to <br /> the City storm sewer. <br /> The system shall consist of a discharge line without valving or quick connections <br /> or flexible sections,which allows the redirection of the sump pump discharge <br /> into the sanitary sewer system. If connected to a City storm sewer,the system <br /> shall include a check valve and an air gap. <br /> Subd. 9 Inspection <br /> Every person, owner, lessee or occupant of any parcel of land,building or premises that <br /> discharges into the City's sanitary sewer system shall allow an employee of the city or a <br /> designated representative of the City to inspect the building or premises to confirm that <br /> the building or premises conforms to the requirements of Subdivision 8 of this section. <br /> In lieu of the City inspection,the owner,lessee or occupant may furnish a certificate from a City <br /> registered State licensed plumber certifying that the building or premises are in compliance with <br /> the requirements of Subdivision 8. The City may periodically re-inspect any building or premises <br /> to determine continued compliance with the requirements of Subdivision 8. <br /> Subd. 10 Removal of Prohibited Connections; Surcharge ; City Reimbursement <br /> Any person, owner, lessee or occupant, and any plumber or building contractor who has <br /> presently made or permitted to be made, or shall make or permit to be made, any <br />
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