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C. Seven bills are due at the end of the billing month, and accordingly the <br /> delinquency charge hereunder will be imposed more than a month after the due <br /> date of a billing. <br /> Subd. 4 Collection. Any amounts due for sanitary sewer charges in excess of 90 days past due <br /> may be collected in a civil action brought for that purpose in the name of the City; or the City <br /> Administrator, upon direction by the Council, may certify to the county auditor the amount due, <br /> together with the legal description of the premises served, and the City Administrator in so <br /> certifying, shall add to the amount as a separate item, in addition to the delinquency penalty an <br /> additional delinquency penalty of eight (8%) percent of the original unpaid amount, inclusive of <br /> any previous delinquency penalty. The county auditor shall enter the amount as part of the tax <br /> levied on the premises to be collected during the ensuing year. No additional delinquency <br /> penalties shall be added to unpaid bills after certification to the county auditor. <br /> 1010.12 Sewer Availability. <br /> Subd. 1 Recitals. The metropolitan sewer board has determined to reserve unused capacity in the <br /> metropolitan disposal system each year for local government units in which new buildings are to <br /> be connected to the system and new connections to the system are commenced during the year, <br /> and to allocate the debt service costs of the unused capacity for the year among the local <br /> government units. In order for the local government units to pay such costs allocated to them <br /> each year, it is necessary to establish appropriate sewer service availability and connection <br /> charges. <br /> Subd. 2 Establishment of Charges. <br /> A. For the purpose of paying costs of reserve capacity allocated to this City each <br /> year by the metropolitan sewer board, there is hereby established by Ordinance <br /> adopted by the Council,a charge for: <br /> 1. The availability of treatment works and interceptors comprising the <br /> metropolitan disposal system; and <br /> 2. Connections, direct and indirect,to the metropolitan disposal system. <br /> B. The charge shall be collected on the basis of building permits issued on the <br /> following basis: <br /> 1. The charge shall be payable on the issuance of each building permit for <br /> new construction issued. <br /> 2. A charge shall be payable on the issuance of a building permit for <br /> alterations or additions to existing buildings if the alteration or addition <br /> will require additional reserve capacity, and the service availability <br /> charge (SAC) unit shall be determined on the same basis as for new <br /> buildings. <br /> C. The charge for each building shall be the product of the number of units of <br /> sewage volume which it will discharge and the dollar figure established by <br /> Ordinance adopted by the Council for the year in which the building permit is <br />