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� <br />�i` R�EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 30, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Terry Maurer, Public Works Director ' A�'''� <br />�• � <br />SUBJECT: Purchase of F350 4x4 Super Cab w/6.5' Box <br />Background <br />In the 2012 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), the Public Works Department budgeted for the <br />replacement of the 2002 F250 4x4 with a F350 4x4 Ford pickup. The F250 pickup was used for <br />general duty tasks in the Public Works Department. <br />The proposed F350 Ford will be equipped with a plow and a Tommy lift gate making it capable <br />of multiple tasks in all seasons. The F350 Ford is proposed to be a Super Cab version to provide <br />interior space for locking up expensive equipment and/or carrying items that should not be <br />exposed to the elements. <br />Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CP� <br />The City of Arden Hills currently maintains a free membership in the Minnesota Cooperative <br />Purchasing Venture Program. This allows the City to participate in State specifications and bid <br />prices, resulting in the City of Arden Hills paying the same amount for a single piece of <br />equipment as the State does for numerous pieces. <br />Midway Ford is the vendor with the State contract for Ford pickup trucks. Pricing comes <br />directly from the State contract. Crysteel Truck Equipment is the State contract vendor for the <br />plow, Tommy lift gate and safety equipment. <br />Bud�et <br />The cost of the F350 4x4 Super Cab Ford is $25,895.82. The cost of the plow, Tommy lift gate <br />and appropriate safety lighting is $9,001.61. Adding sales tax and license to these costs brings <br />the total cost of the truck to $37,553.62 <br />