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D. Rec�uired Permits. NLD and/or Arden Plaza shall obtain all necessary <br />permits, including, but not limited to, NPDES, Rice Creelc Watershed District, <br />Ramsey County, and City Erosion Control Permits. Copies of all necessary <br />permits shall be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of any <br />development permits. <br />E. Securi . NLD shall submit a financial surety in the amount of 125% percent <br />of the cost of the landscaping improvements for Lot 1, the surety shall be in a <br />form acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be held for at least two years, and <br />shall be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />F. Si�nage. Wall signage on the Walgreen Drug Store shall not exceed ninety-nine <br />(99) square feet. <br />G. Traffic Management. Within six (6) months of the issuance of the certificate of <br />occupancy, Staff will review drive-thru egress to ensure pedestrian safety. <br />Based on the results of that review, the City may require additional traffic <br />management solutions at that time. <br />H. Future Im�rovements/Assessments for the B-2 District Streetscane. The City <br />anticipates constructing streetscape improvements on County Road E, <br />adjacent to Lot 1, Block 1, Arden Plaza. <br />1, NLD hereby agrees to waive its right to appeal any special <br />assessments levied against Lot 1, Block 1, Arden Plaza for streetscape <br />improvements, associated with the implementation of the Guiding <br />Plan for the B-2 District, provided that: <br />a. Such special assessment does not exceed an amount equal to <br />$350 per lineal foot on County Road E; and <br />b. The Property, subject <br />specially assess in the <br />situated properties. <br />to the terms of this Agreement, <br />same manner as other similarly <br />2. NLD shall convey temporary construction easements over Lot 1 to <br />the City for implementing the County Road E streetscape <br />improvements. The City shall reasonably restore the area of the <br />temporary construction easement to its condition prior to <br />construction of the streetscape improvements. <br />I. Binding Effect. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be <br />binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives, <br />successors and assigns of the parties hereto and shall be binding upon all <br />future owners of all or any part of the Property. This Agreement, at the <br />3 <br />