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PARKS,TAAII.S AND RECREATION COMMrrrEE MEETING <br /> kr 20 2007 P 2 <br /> 5. MC STRATEGIES PLAN—FUNDING DISCUSSION <br /> Ms. Iverson slated that she reviewed the funding material that was pmovided. Among the funding options <br /> nuftoned in the material she felt that a dty/school district eooperatrie was mare favorable,although there <br /> were some loop holes with that as well. Ms. Iverson stated that the City of Eager► had some unique <br /> programs,but she did not think they were feasible long term solutions. <br /> Chair Henry stated that Excel Energy had an interest m establishing wind Unbines through out the city. <br /> According to a Pioneer Press article,each wind turbine would return$3,000 to$5,000 annually to the city. <br /> Chair Henry asked if revenue generated from TCAAP would be part back into that area and therefore result <br /> in no'park dedication fees tieing WIlected.Council Liaison McClung replied that it was one of the issues in <br /> the master development agreement that was still to be determined and negotiated. <br /> Ms. Iversour.slated that grants were harder to obtain, but a possible alternative.were the two TIF (tax <br /> fimmmmIlt f nmicing)-districts: Cottage Villas and the Gateway areas. Typically when a TIF district <br /> expires, it goes back on the tax rolls. The City then has the flexibility to ino r =the levy in the amount <br /> that was collected on the incremem and dedicate those monies hoards something else. <br /> Ms..Odeon reviewed the projects that were included in the CIP. <br /> 2007 Projects: <br /> i, old Highway 10 Railroad Improve <br /> This project would be funded with State Aid money and$50,OQD from the park fund. <br /> - ! BAsketbaWeanis Court recon auction at Lummrings. <br /> It is estimated that$�5,000 or mare would be used from the Park Fund for this project. <br /> 2008 Projects <br /> e ' County Road E Sidewalk. It was very likely that this project would be delayed until 2009. <br /> Committee llefber William suggested that money from the park dedication fee be used to hire an <br />- enguwemg firm to figure out how to address Council Member Holden's concerns about the <br /> intersection. Chair Henry suggested setting up a meeting with Ms. Kris Gaga, Civil Engine, to <br /> look at County Road E and then to discuss possibilities. <br /> • BasketbaWennis Court Rehabilitation <br /> $15,000 was budgeted in the general fund for resurfacing at Hazelnut Park. <br /> d City Trail Signage <br /> Estimated cost was$25,000. Chair Henry suggested designating the trails for easier recognition. <br /> He also requested that information on walkinglbAdrig and trail connections be posted on the city <br /> web page. <br /> 2009 Projects <br /> im Basketballfrerinis Court <br /> $15,000 was allotted from the general fund. The Dion would be the next park an the <br /> maintenance schedule. <br /> Eq,;ipnw t RqAw4mftt <br /> This would be dependent upon equipment condition. <br /> 2010 Projects <br /> • Snelling Avenue Regional Trzr7—Estimated o $800,000. <br /> • BaWwtballtrennis Court Rehabilitation <br /> • Equipment Replacement <br />