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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> DECEMBER 19, 2006 Page 3 <br /> 7. COMMITTEE EXPECTATIONS <br /> Chair Henry requested that the committee take a look at the attached proposed expectations and be <br /> prepared for a discussion at a future meeting. <br /> 8. NAMING OF GOVERNOR ELMER L.ANDERSEN TRAIL SEGMENT <br /> Ms. Olson stated that$25,000 was budgeted for trail signage in 2008. <br /> Chair Henry suggested having one set of guidelines for trail signs in the City. However, it would not <br /> pertain to the Governor Elmer L. Andersen trail sign because the committee wanted to encourage Ramsey <br /> County and other governmental entities to be involved with the trail. It was suggested that the Committee <br /> look at Hennepin and Ramsey County signs for ideas for the Governor Elmer L. Andersen Trail. Also, to <br /> revisit having the person who designed the City park signs to design signs for all other city trails. Ms. <br /> Olson would contact the designer and could probably bring this back in March, depending on the <br /> designer's schedule. <br /> 9. TONY SCHMIDT REGIONAL PARK MASTER PLAN DRAFT UPDATE <br /> Ms. Olson would contact Mr. Greg Mack, Ramsey County, to find out what was expected of the <br /> Committee in regards to this master plan draft; if the committee needed to review the plan and then make <br /> a recommendation to the Council. It was asked that Ms. Olson also request for an electronic copy of the <br /> draft. <br /> 10. NEXT MEETING DATE <br /> The next PTRC meeting was scheduled for January 9, 2007. Committee Member Baumann would send <br /> an electronic version of the bocce golf proposal to Ms. Olson to be included in the next agenda packet. <br /> Ms. Olson stated that a few benches needed to be added. The City has an inventory of benches and <br /> typically added to it yearly, as needed. In the past, benches have occasionally come up as Eagle Scout <br /> projects. With the proposed installation of a bocce golf course, it was suggested that benches be put at <br /> Ingerson Park. <br /> 11. TOWN HALL MEETING <br /> The Town Hall Meeting was on scheduled for January 16, 2007 from 6:00 p.m. to about 8:30. The City <br /> has expressed interest for the PTRC to have a table at the event. <br /> 12. AJOURN <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Straumann moved and Committee Member Crassweller seconded a <br /> motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. <br />