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�� <br />EN HILL5 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: February 27, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Sue Iverson, Director of Finance and Administrative Services <br />SUBJECT: Water Rates and Meter Charge Discussion <br />Background: <br />At the August worksession, Council asked staff to look at reducing the cost for the users of minimum <br />gallons included in the Water Meter/Rates. Staff presented a revised rate structure at the November <br />worksession which lowered the minimum from 10,000 gallons to 5,000 gallons. This proposed change <br />required a 40% increase in the highest tier and a$16.40 per quarter increase to everyone who used more <br />than 10,000 gallons. <br />The Council directed staff to go back and do more analysis and to present more options to the Council in <br />early 2012 so that they could be implemented by 2"d quarter of 2012. One option was to possibly provide <br />a discount for those who used less than 10,000; another option was to charge for all water usage. <br />Discussion: <br />Staff has done a number of iterations to determine how to achieve this result, while still maintaining the <br />require conservation rate structure without a complete overhaul of the current rate structure. This has <br />been quite challenging. The meter charges cover the City's "iixed costs" to run the system, while the <br />usage charges cover the "variable costs." I have attached the analysis from the last worksession for your <br />information. <br />Providin,g a Discount to those using less than 10, 000 <br />Staff evaluated this option and found that it is very labor intensive. Using the data from the December 21, <br />2011 billing, staff estimates that manually placing a rebate/credit on accounts that fall under 10,000 <br />would take approximately 2 full days and add to the time it takes to process the utility bills. When we <br />just look at the December 31, 2011 billing we have to remember that we have a lot of "snow birds" who <br />are gone for the winter and consumption is at its lowest during this time as there is no watering or <br />gardening. Following is a summary of the accounts in each from December 3 l, 2011: <br />