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City Council Minutes
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3/13/2012 2:39:41 PM
1-30-12 Regular Council Minutes
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1-30-12 Regular Council Minutes
1-30-12 Regular Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—JANUARY 30, 2012 5 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer further explained that the upgrade of these four lift stations was <br /> included as add alternates in the bidding process for Lift Station #13 reconstruction. However, <br /> after evaluating the bid results, staff determined that the costs were too high and there was a more <br /> cost-effective way to accomplish the upgrades. Staff then contacted Electric Pump Company, the <br /> local supplier of Flygt pumps and OmniSite, and asked them to review each of the lift stations and <br /> provide the City a quote to accomplish the upgrades. The cost for each lift station is as follows: <br /> 1'. Lift Station#8 Upgrades $ 93,200 <br /> 2. Lift Station#5 Upgrades $ 63,400 <br /> 3. Lift Station#7 Upgrades $ 31,400 <br /> 4. Lift Station#2 Upgrades $ 55,500 <br /> Total Cost of Upgrades $243,500 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that these proposed upgrades at the four lift stations <br /> are not programmed in the current CIP. Lift Station #7 needs to be repaired due to a lightning <br /> strike. The other three lift station upgrades could be financed using Sanitary Sewer Utility Funds <br /> not needed for other projects. First, there is $162,650 remaining from the proposed monies to <br /> reconstruct lift station#I I in 2011 that will not be needed for a few years. Second, there is a CIP <br /> item in 2012 for $150,000 for access work at Lift Station #7 that is no longer needed as all of <br /> these improvements are part of the Presbyterian Homes project. Finally, there is a CIP item in <br /> 2014 to install a SCADA system in the amount of $200,000. With the use of the OmniSite <br /> controller at the upgraded lift stations,there is no longer a need for the SCADA system. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that the City's lift stations are critical and that he is glad to see this <br /> project moving forward. He then asked when the work will be done if this is approved. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated he believes they will begin manufacturing the pumps in <br /> their factory and then work on the lift stations when warmer weather makes it safe to shut down <br /> the lift station during the repair. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Lift Station#11 is the only remaining lift station in the City <br /> that is 40 years old. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that it is not; Lift Stations #1 and #12 are in the CIP for <br /> replacement in 2013. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented that since the bid was significantly cheaper than <br /> anticipated, and because it seems to be a very good bidding environment right now, she would <br /> like to see Lift Stations #1 and #12 also completed this year. She asked if the City will be getting <br /> any money from insurance (for the lift station damaged by lightening.) <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated the City has an open claim with the insurance company. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated that she thinks the proposed improvements are a great idea. She <br /> asked if these improvements will result in more coverage for sewage back-ups. She also asked if <br /> the cost figures provided represent the entire cost. <br />
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