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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-FEBRUARY 21, 2012 6 <br /> Mayor Grant suggested the Council address this again further at a future meeting. <br /> C. Parks Trails &Recreation Committee Goals and Work Plan <br /> The following PTRC Committee members were present at the meeting: PTRC Chair Cindy <br /> Garretson, John Peck, Phil Kramlinger, Steve Scott, Harold Petersen, Nancy O'Malley, Chuck <br /> Michaelson, and Rich Straumann. Also in attendance, PTRC candidate Jane Larson. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson indicated the PTRC members were present this evening <br /> to hold a joint meeting to discuss goals, and work plans for 2012. The Committee put together a <br /> presentation for the Council to review. <br /> PTRC Chair Cindy Garretson thanked the Council for their time this evening and reviewed the <br /> committee's purpose and mission. Committee member O'Malley reviewed the Committee's <br /> ongoing/as needed goals. She noted the PTRC was hoping to further interact and gain input from <br /> the public; and was hoping to host a booth at"Celebrating Arden Hills." <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the park and recreabon trails'1xln was almost 15 years old. She <br /> questioned if revisions were planned and if priorities Yiacehanged. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated Jhe plwas a 20 year plan and the PTRC had <br /> updated that vision in 2009 within the Compr-', Ian(2030). <br /> Mayor Grant asked what vision the PT1C d at its time, and how the PTRC was taking action <br /> from that vision. <br /> Committee Member O'Malley.itcicatsmnch of the PTRC's vision was taken from the priority <br /> trail segments. The vision was Aso outliq d in the goals. <br /> Committee Member Michelson expl ed much of this was dependent on the funds available to <br /> complete the trail segments and park improvements. <br /> Committee Member Peck stated the first PTRC 2012 goal is to research,review, and recommend <br /> approval of the following projects: bench implementation and placement program, trail <br /> maintenance plan, and Hazelnut irrigation plan. He stated the residents have provided positive <br /> feedback on the benches. The trail maintenance plan was a carryover item from 2011. Staff has <br /> created a draft plan which will be reviewed and forwarded to the Council in 2012. <br /> Committee Member Peck explained the PTRC recommends irrigating both the soccer and <br /> baseball fields at Hazelnut Park. The City has ownership of the parcel at this time. These fields <br /> would greatly benefit from routine watering due to the intense use of the fields. He indicated the <br /> PTRC was pleased with the results of the 2010 irrigation at Cummings Park. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the PTRC considered planting more trees in the City's <br /> parks. <br />