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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MARCH 12, 2012 5 <br /> City Administrator Klaers stated Mr. Hill was promoting the Arden Hills site as a viable option <br /> if the City of Minneapolis' plan were to fall through. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated the TCAAP site was in need of clean up and roadway improvements, <br /> which would not require Mr. Hill's efforts if not used for the stadium. <br /> Councilmember Werner explained Representative Tim Mahoney has recently vocalized his <br /> support of the Arden Hills site. <br /> Councilmember Holmes expressed frustration that the City's local legislators have not supported <br /> the Arden Hills site. She questioned why the local legislators were not working to put forth a bill <br /> to get the site cleaned up, as it was within their jurisdiction. She recommended staff make it clear <br /> to Mr. Hill that his efforts were appreciated and that the TCAAP site has now become a County <br /> issue. <br /> The Council was in favor of taking formal action at the Council meeting to terminate the contract <br /> between the City of Arden Hills and Todd Hill. <br /> 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REQUESTS <br /> City Administrator Klaers indicated the Ramsey County League of Local Government <br /> (RCLLG) had planned to hold a meeting on TCAAP on April 26th at Arden Hills City Hall. The <br /> meeting date has since changed to Thursday, April 19"' or Wednesday, April 25th. He discussed <br /> the presentation that would be made by staff. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked who would take the lead on this topic. <br /> City Administrator Klaers indicated this was a good question, as the Board directed this to be an <br /> agenda item. He felt the County and the City would take the lead. Greg Mack would be <br /> discussing the environmental and acquisition issues. Mike Fix will lead a tour of the site. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern that RCLLG wanted to discuss the possibilities of <br /> property in Arden Hills. <br /> Councilmember Holmes agreed. She did not feel the Council supported this issue and felt staff <br /> time should not be spent on creating a presentation. She felt the City was being forced into the <br /> issue. <br /> City Administrator Klaers indicated TCAAP was an important property and RCLLG wanted to <br /> learn more about the site, its concerns and the acquisition issues. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the City had the zoning established. She understood that <br /> Shoreview was still interested in the property. <br /> City Administrator Klaers commented the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon presentation could <br /> perhaps take its place. <br />