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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MARCH 26, 2012 5 <br /> irrigation system. The project scope includes watering both the ball field and the soccer field. <br /> Staff included one small segment of landscaping in front of the picnic shelter as an alternate to the <br /> bid. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson explained that four quotes were solicited for the <br /> irrigation installation at Hazelnut Park, with two submitting quotes. Please note the plumbing <br /> portion of the irrigation project would be completed by public works at a cost of no more than <br /> $5,000. The low bidder for the irrigation installation was Anderson Irrigation with a total project <br /> cost of$24,217.06. The City worked with Anderson Irrigation in 2010 where they successfully <br /> completed the Cummings Park irrigation project. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated staff budgeted $18,000 for the project with an <br /> additional $10,000 coming from a donation from the North Suburban Soccer Association (NSSA) <br /> for the irrigation project on both fields. The NSSA has a shortage of fields and mentioned they <br /> were looking to expand their playing and practice field capacity. Staff recommends the Council <br /> award the Hazelnut Park Irrigation installation to Anderson Irrigation, Inc. in the amount of <br /> $24,217.06, plus an additional amount of $5,000 for the City Public Works staff to install the <br /> plumbing for a total project cost of$29,217.06. <br /> Mayor Grant requested additional information on the bid alternate which would supply irrigation <br /> to the landscaped areas in the park near the picnic shelter. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson reviewed the location of the landscaping irrigation <br /> alternate with the Council stating the expense would be an additional $2,552.06. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern with irrigating the elevated/hill area. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated this may not be necessary, but stated staff included <br /> it because Council wanted the landscaping included at Cummings Park in 2010. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented she was in favor of irrigating the soccer field, but struggled <br /> with irrigating the rest of the park. She noted the City was looking to upgrade Valentine Park and <br /> if this expense came in higher than budgeted, the City would not have the necessary funds to <br /> properly renovate Valentine Park. <br /> Councilmember Tamble indicated the difference between the soccer field and the ball field is the <br /> number of heads in the ball field. He understood that irrigation did improve the playing surface <br /> for soccer/ball fields however,his priority was Valentine Park. <br /> Mayor Grant asked what the expense would be to wait one year to irrigate the ball field. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer anticipated that the price would be higher than the estimated <br /> $11,000 as there would be mobilization and other expenses. <br /> Councilmember Holmes noted she was pleased with the condition of the fields at Cummings <br /> Park and felt the investment in the fields was minimal compared to the benefit that would be felt <br />