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EN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: May 15, 2012 Agenda Item: 3.A. <br /> TO: Parks Trails and Recreation Committee <br /> FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br /> SUBJECT: Trail Signage <br /> Background <br /> At the February joint PTRC/City Council meeting, the Council gave preliminary approval for the <br /> PTRC to move further into design on trail signage. The next step identified was to work with a <br /> sign company to get a quote on sign production based on the PTRC's preliminary design. Staff <br /> met with Carol Kriegler from Vacker Sign Company to discuss the trail signage design. Three <br /> design options and quotes were presented to the PTRC at the April 17, 2012 meeting. After <br /> discussion, the PTRC made a motion to support design option two with option one being the <br /> second choice (Attachment A). The committee also chose twenty different locations on a park <br /> and trails map (Attachment I3). Staff researched a few items that were unresolved at the last <br /> meeting: <br /> 1. There was a question about why the third option presented was so expensive. This <br /> option was the most expensive because it is a framed sign with the map in the middle. <br /> This was similar to the sample provided at last month's meeting. <br /> 2. Option 1 was presented as having a small frame. This was incorrect. This is just an <br /> aluminum thin sign with a colored border(similar to a parking sign). This is the least <br /> expensive option. <br /> 3. On option 2, I asked if we could engrave the City logo into the sign versus the <br /> number system shown on the sample. The Arden Hills tree from the logo can be <br /> engraved into this material. However, the designer did not recommend engraving <br /> the Arden Hills words into the sign. The words have too much detail and from the <br /> side would lose the effect. <br /> 4. There is a darker green available for the option 2 sign. A sample will be available <br /> for the committee to review at Tuesday's meeting. <br /> 5. The designer stated that this sign material is extremely durable and she could give a <br /> 10 year warranty for any type of manufacturer defects. The covering on the sign is <br /> called Tuff Cover. This is a velvet textured clear laminate that protects the <br /> underlying graphics from harsh elements. Graffiti can be removed from this <br /> 05152012 Trail signage design.doc <br />