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Ordinance 2012-001 <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />ORDINANCE 2012-001 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1325.03 SUBD 2.D OF THE ZONING CODE <br />The Arden Hills City Council hereby ordains that Chapter 13, Section 1325.03 Subd. 2.D of the <br />City Code shall hereby be amended, and all subsequent Sections of the Code renumbered as <br />follows: <br />D. Single and Two-Family Nonconforming Dwellings. For already <br />developed lots on which a principal structure exists, but is nonconforming <br />for reasons of setbacks or lot dimension, the principal structure may be <br />expanded provided that all of the following provisions are met: <br />1. The proposed addition extends no closer to a property line than the <br />pre-existing nonconforming structure; <br />2. If the addition expands the footprint of the structure, then the <br />proposed addition extends no closer than thirty (30) feet from the front <br />property line or five feet from a side property line; <br />3. The exterior materials of the proposed addition are consistent or <br />complementary in color, texture and quality with those visible on the <br />existing structure; <br />4. The roof of the proposed addition is integrated into, and consistent <br />with, the existing roof of the structure; <br />5. The addition does not adversely affect drainage on the lot or <br />neighboring properties; <br />6. The addition does not extend within a drainage and utility <br />easement, and meets all requirements of the Building and Fire Code; <br />. _ ---_ _ _ _ _ _ <br />7. The addition does not expand the noncoriforming height of a <br />structure; <br />8. The addition does not further increase nonconforming 1ot <br />coverage; <br />9. The addition does not create any new nonconforming conditions. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />