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City Planner Meagan Beekman noted some cities already have provisions that allow <br />some flexibility through an administrative review. For example, Roseville, New <br />Brighton, Minnetonka, and Burnsville all allow additions to nonconforming structures up <br />to their existing setbacks under certain circumstances. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman summarized no amount of zoning text amendments will <br />eliminate the need for variances altogether, or change the fact that some people will want <br />to make improvements to their homes that are not in keeping with the character of the <br />community and therefore, should not be allowed. On the other hand, allowing people to <br />reasonably improve their homes and maintain value is an important aspect of maintaining <br />a community's housing stock. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commissioner comments. <br />Commissioner Stodola asked if item 4 would allow for a second story. City Planner <br />Beekman stated it would have to match the current house. Any addition would need to <br />be in the same style oF the house. Commissioner Stodola stated one of the concerns she <br />has is that a small home would be replaced with a multi-story house. City Planner <br />Beekman stated they could construct upward as long as it followed the Code and square <br />footage of home based on lot size. Commissioner Stodola stated she is in favor of the <br />revisions to the Code. <br />Chair Larson asked -how much of the original structure would need to remain when <br />making an addition. He asked if it could be town down to the foundation and then rebuilt <br />upward. City Planner Beekman stated that could happen. She noted this could be <br />currently done under the Code. City Planner Beekman reviewed an example from the <br />past where a house destroyed by fire was being replaced and turned out to be very <br />complicated. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated Staff is proposing an amendment to Section <br />1325.03 of the Zoning Code. The amendment adds Subd 2.D, which addresses the <br />circumstances under which a single or two-family nonconforming dwelling could expand <br />without the need for a variance (Attachment A). <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated with the recent revisions to State Sta.tute regarding <br />variances, and the subsequent amendments to the City's variance procedures, the <br />variance review criteria has become seemingly easier to overcome in most instances. <br />__ _ _ <br />While this may make the variance process more accessible to some residents, the process <br />remains time and resource consuming for both the City, and those seeking exceptions <br />from the Code. Minimizing the need for variances will remove road blocks to some <br />home improvement projects, by making the City process more efficient and les daunting. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. <br />No one appeared to address the Commission. <br />