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MINNESOTA WATER SURFACE USE MANAGEMENT RULES <br />6110.3000 POLICY. <br />It is the policy of this state to promote full use and enjoyment of waters of tlie state, to promote <br />safety �for persons and property in. connection with such use, and to promote uniformity of laws relating to <br />such use. <br />Statutory Authority: M.S. § 361.25 <br />6110.3100 SCOPE. <br />As part of implementing that policy, Minnesota Statutes, sections 378.32 and 459.20 authorize <br />counties, cities, and towns to regulate by ordinance the use of surface waters by watercraft, upon approval <br />of any such ordinance by the commissioner. Minnesota Statutes, section 361.26, subdivision 2a <br />authorizes the commissioner to regulate such use by rule, upon request of a county, city or town, and after <br />the rule is approved by the majority of the counties affected. Parts 6110.3000 to 6110.4200, however,. <br />shall not apply to units of government other than counties, cities, and towns, or to counties, cities, or <br />towns adopting ordinances identical to and on the same body of water as a lake conservatio� district <br />ordinance. <br />Statutory Authority: _M.S. § 361.25 <br />6110.3200 GOAL OF WATER SURFACE USE MANAGEMENT. <br />The goal of water surface use management shall be to enhance the recreational use, safety, and <br />enj oyment of the water surface of Minnesota and to preserve these water resources in a way that reflects <br />the state's paramount concern for the protection of its natural resources. In pursuit of that goal, an <br />ordinance or rule shall: <br />A. where practical and feasible, accommodate all compatible recreational uses; <br />B. minimize adverse impact on natural resources; <br />C. minimize conflicts between users in a way that provides for maximum use, safety, and <br />enj oyment; and <br />D. conform to the standards set in part 6110.3700, <br />Statutory Authority: M.S. § 36.1.25 <br />6110.3300 STATUTORY AUTHORITY. <br />Parts of 6110.3000 to 6110.4200 are required by Minnesota Statutes, section 361.25. They <br />provide procedures for the development and approval of rules and ordinances for resolving water surface <br />use conflict by regulating: <br />A. type and size of watercraft; <br />B. type and horsepower of motors; <br />C. speed of watercraft; <br />D. time of use; <br />E. area of use; and <br />F. the conduct of other activities on the water body where necessary to secure the safety <br />of the public and the most general public use. <br />Statutory Authority: M.S. § 361.25 <br />6110.3400 JURISDICTION OF COMMISSIONER. <br />The commissioner shall exercise his discretion under Minnesota Statutes, section 361.26, <br />subdivision 2 to regulate a water body when so requested by a county, city, or town only when the water <br />body: <br />A. is traversed by a state or international boundary; or <br />B. is within the jurisdiction of two or more counties which cannot agree on the content of <br />