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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 25, 2012 12 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer talked about water usage. The City, in looking at bigger water <br /> users, identified four meters that will be replaced. One of those meters is at Boston Scientific, one <br /> is at Land O' Lakes and two are at Bethel University. While inspecting smaller users, there may <br /> be more water meters that end up being replaced during the process. <br /> City Administrator Klaers commented on the Ramsey County TCAAP funding proposal and the <br /> fact that City staff has had ongoing conversations with Ramsey County staff. City staff attended <br /> the County Board work session on June 12th. The City plans on talking with Ramsey County <br /> about some sort of working agreement so the City and County are on the same page over the next <br /> few years. Hopefully, the County will be successful in the DEED grant application process. Staff <br /> will provide an update at the next work session in July. <br /> ADJOURN <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Tamble moved and Councilmember Werner seconded a <br /> motion to adiourn. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> Mayor Grant padjourned the Regular City Council Meeting at 9:23 . <br /> Patrick Klaers David Grant <br /> City Administrator Mayor <br />