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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JUNE 18, 2012 4 <br /> Mayor Grant expressed his concern that the total cost for street reconstruction projects over the <br /> next five years is very high and that the City may not be able to afford all of these projects as <br /> scheduled. <br /> The Council discussed the need and value of specific street projects. <br /> Mayor Grant stated that the Council needs to see a cash flow analysis so they can better evaluate <br /> if the projects as planned should move forward. <br /> The Council discussed the need for some long range forecasting of street related revenues and <br /> expenditures. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that the blue CIP "Sources and Uses of Funds"pages at the back <br /> of the booklet needed some explanation. Her main concern related to the beginning and ending <br /> balance amounts in the Enterprise Funds. <br /> Staff noted that these figures appeared to be higher than what was presented in previous years and <br /> that staff would report back to the Council after meeting with the Finance Director. <br /> B. Update on Triangle Parcel <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher recapped that in 2010, Presbyterian Homes <br /> moved forward with their redevelopment project, which is now known as Lake Johanna Shores. <br /> A senior brownstone-style residential development on the triangle parcel was initially proposed, <br /> but there was no neighborhood support, nor was there support of a previous proposal to redevelop <br /> the triangle parcel. The City had an interest in acquiring the parcel to permanently restrict <br /> development and allow for a City gateway sign. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher stated that in December 2010, the City entered <br /> into a Development Agreement with Presbyterian Homes for Lake Johanna Shores. The <br /> Development Agreement requires Presbyterian Homes to remediate the triangle site "to a <br /> Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA) standard for non-residential land use." <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher explained that Presbyterian Homes completed a <br /> Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment in August 2011, and the existing building was <br /> demolished and underground tanks were removed in December 2011. Because groundwater <br /> contamination was detected, Presbyterian Homes is in the process of delineating the <br /> contamination as required by the MPCA. Based on test results thus far, it appears the <br /> groundwater contamination has moved off of the triangle parcel. Additional testing was done <br /> June 12 and 13, but it will take several weeks to receive results of those tests. The MPCA will not <br /> close the file until the groundwater contamination is delineated. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher indicated that the Development Agreement <br /> requires the closing on the conveyance of the triangle parcel to the City to occur by the later of ten <br /> days following satisfaction of all contingencies, or June 29, 2012. One of the contingencies is the <br /> City being satisfied with the environmental conditions of the property. Once the investigation is <br />