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coverage standards for the paxcel. This requirement is met by the proposed <br />plans. <br />C. Exterior Finish — Meets Requirements — The Code requires the exterior <br />finish of accessory structures to be compatible in appearance and materials <br />used with the principal structure served by the accessory structure. The <br />proposed garage would be constructed of brick and EIFS in a color and <br />texture that match the building materials of the existing principal structure. <br />D. Landscaping and Tree Preservation — Meets Requirements - Five significant <br />trees would be removed as a result of this application. The Code allows up <br />to ten percent of the existing significant caliper inches on site to be removed <br />without mitigation. The proposed amount to be removed is far below this <br />threshold. Based on the size of the addition, additional landscaping is not <br />required. <br />E. Lighting — Meets Requirements — No additional lighting is proposed as part <br />of this project. <br />F. Parking, Loading and Circulation — Meets Requirements — No parking stalls <br />would be lost as a result of this application. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the City Public Works Director and Building <br />Inspector have reviewed the project and have not expressed any objections to the <br />proposal. Building permits will be required and all building and fire code requirements <br />will be met. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the Planning Commission must make a finding <br />as to whether or not the proposal meets the requirements of the Zoning Code and if they <br />would adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood or the community as a whole. She <br />offered the following findings for consideration: <br />1. The subject property is located in the I-1 Zoning District <br />2. The proposed accessory structure is a permitted use in the I-1 District. <br />3. Accessory structures in the I-1 District require a site plan review. <br />4. The proposed accessory structure would be 1,807 square feet and 14 feet in height. <br />5. The proposed accessory structure meets all lot coverage requirements. <br />6. The proposed accessory structure meets all setback requirements. <br />7. The proposed accessory structure matches the color, texture and building materials of <br />the principal structure to which it is accessory. <br />8. No parking would be lost as a result of this application. <br />9. The proposed tree loss due to the project would not trigger the City's tree <br />preservation ordinance requirements. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed notice was mailed to property owners within <br />three-hundred fifty (350) feet of the subject property and no comments were received <br />regarding this application. <br />