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�� <br />�i` I�EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: June 25, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Sue Iverson, Director of Finance and Administrative Services <br />SUBJECT: Recovery of Costs for 1415 Glenhill Road <br />Back�round <br />The County declared the property to be a public health nuisance and ordered the removal of cat <br />feces and urine. T'his included the removal of animals per the City's Animal Control <br />Regulations. The City is allowed to recover the fees related to this abatement. We have sent,a <br />bill for the costs to the property owner and she has informed us that she refuses to pay this bill. <br />We are now proceeding to use the legal remedies available to us to recover these expenses. This <br />issue was originally scheduled for public hearing on June 11, 2012, but due to some confusion <br />regarding proper notice, the June 1 lth hearing was not held. <br />Discussion <br />The process to recover these fees is similar to the 429 process we use for special assessments on <br />road construction projects. The first step in this process is to call for a public hearing. Our <br />Attorney, Jerry Filla, has prepared a letter outlining the process and will be in aftendance at the <br />meeting to answer any questions. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />A motion to adopt Resolution 2012-020, calling for a public hearing on July 30, 2012, for the <br />recovery of costs related to Animal Control Regulation costs at 1415 Glenhill Road. <br />