Memo - City Council
<br /> 2013 Proposed Preliminary Budget and Tax Levy
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<br /> a high-deductible HSA plan which has been helping to keep our costs low; in 2011 we saw a
<br /> decrease of 13.1%, so there was no increase in the City contribution in 2011; 2012 was a 3.6%
<br /> increase (the lowest rate they could give us by law) and this year's increase is also the lowest
<br /> increase they could give us by law. Dental has been estimated at 10% as we have not yet
<br /> received the actual rates from the insurance carrier. Short-term Disability, Long-term Disability,
<br /> and Life Insurance rates will remain the same as 2012. We are exploring options to convert to a
<br /> second high-deductible plan with an embedded deductible and eliminating the Co-Pay Plan, but
<br /> more analysis needs to be done.
<br /> General Fund
<br /> Revenues and expenditures are shown in the table below. We have highlighted items that impact
<br /> the tax levy and proposed budget on the next page to give you a brief overview. More detailed
<br /> commentary is found in the department and fund pages of the budget document.
<br /> City of Arden Hills
<br /> General Fund
<br /> Actual Actual Budget Amended YTD Proposed %Change
<br /> FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY2012 08/2312012 FY 2013 12 vs 13
<br /> Revenues
<br /> Taxes
<br /> Ta)es 2,867,028 2,913,248 3,126,555 3,126,555 1,569,193 3,255,071 4.11%
<br /> Licenses and Permits 255,265 429,279 256,850 256,850 304,195 257,562 0.28%
<br /> Other Intergovernmental 118,981 126,691 115,582 115,582 78,955 115,867 0.25%
<br /> Charges for Services 388,687 491,548 425,546 425,546 246,367 416,209 -2.19%
<br /> Fines&Forfeits 27,013 29,151 45,462 45,462 11,027 40,301 -11.35%
<br /> Special Assessments - 442 210 210 1,030 2,769 1218.61%
<br /> Miscellaneous 52,879 216,803 73,922 73,922 69,646 72,673 -1.69%
<br /> Transfers 0.00%
<br /> Total Revenues $ 3,709,854 $ 4,207,161 $ 4 044 127 $ 4,044,127 $ 2,280,413 $ 4,160,452 2.88%
<br /> Expenditures by Category
<br /> Personal Services $ 1,358,507 $ 1,326,431 $ 1,336,195 $ 1,336,195 $ 817,386 $ 1,380,365 3.31%
<br /> Materials and Supplies 226,136 206,303 125,850 125,850 80,823 140,150 11.36%
<br /> Other Services and Charges 1,931,963 2,033,269 2,342,081 2,342,081 1,417,300 2,416,036 3.16%
<br /> Capital Outlay - - - - - -
<br /> 0.00%
<br /> Transfers 252,600 252,600 240,000 364,955 364,955 240,000 -34.24%
<br /> Contingency/Reserves - - 4,354 0.00%
<br /> Total Expenditures $ 3,769,207 $ 3,818,602 $ 4,044,126 $ 4,169 081 $ 2,680,464 $ 4,180,905 0.28%
<br /> Fund Balance-January 1 1,822,260 1,762,907 2,151,335 2,151,335 2,151,335 2,026,381
<br /> Excess Revenue Over Expenditure (59,353) 388,558 1 (124,954) (400,052) (20,453)
<br /> Fund Balance-December 31 $ 1,762,907 $ 2,151,335 $ 2,151,336 $ 2,026,381 $ 1,751,283 $ 2,005,928
<br /> Revenues
<br /> General Fund Revenues
<br /> All revenue items were evaluated based on current Property Tax Levy $128,516
<br /> economic conditions and past trends. The most Admin Charges From Other Funds (18,269)
<br /> notable item is the Council directed levy increase Adult Programs 8,000
<br /> of 4.1% which equates to $128,516 in revenue. Highway Patrol Fines (2,000)
<br /> One item to note is that while the tax levy is
<br /> increased and the department budgets are Forfeits (3,462)
<br /> decreased, the internal overhead charges to the Other Misc Adjustments 3,
<br /> $116,325 325
<br />