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Ramsey Counry-Wide Emergency Operations Plan Revision 5.1,June,2005 <br /> Ramsey County Incident Manager <br /> IMPLEMENTATION <br /> Emergencies will be reported to the local Public Safety Answering Point <br /> (PSAP). The PSAP will notify the EMHS Duty Officer and/or the Sheriff. <br /> The EMHS Duty Officer or the Sheriff will make the initial determination to <br /> implement this plan. Formal implementation of the plan simply involves <br /> notifying the County Manager and the Director of Emergency <br /> Management and Homeland Security of the situation. As soon as the <br /> decision is made to contact these persons, this plan is considered to be <br /> implemented. <br /> GENERAL <br /> Initially, Director of EMHS or the County Sheriff (or their designees) will fill <br /> the role of the Incident Manager for the County. This may be limited to <br /> coordination of county-based activities, gathering information and <br /> intelligence, and assessing the situation to determine what level of <br /> activation of the county is needed, and notifying County administrators. <br /> Once he or she is able to reach the scene of an incident or respond to the <br /> RCEOC, the County Manager will be the Incident Manager for the County, <br /> unless and until s/he designates another person to fill this role. <br /> EMHS will assist as possible in these activities and will keep in contact <br /> with the County Manager as he or she establishes the RCEOC and <br /> gathers staff together there. We recognize that organizing the county's <br /> governmental Incident Management System will take time and that the <br /> team members will need information upon which to act. We also recognize <br /> that delaying some urgent actions until the teams can assemble would <br /> unduly jeopardize safety and property. <br /> Thus, the earliest hours of the county's involvement in an event will <br /> typically revolve around activities of the Sheriffs office and the EMHS <br /> staff. In those situations where there is time for deliberate organization <br /> before the event or emergency develops, the county Incident Manager will <br /> be selected by the County Manager based on which agency's field of <br /> expertise best matches the scope of operations needed to successfully <br /> cope with the incident. <br /> LOCAL AND/OR UNSPECIFIED EVENT: EMHS staff responding to the <br /> scene will serve as a liaison to the On Scene Commander and will initially <br /> be the Incident Manager for county resources working in a Unified <br /> Command Structure. <br /> 39 <br />