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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—AUGUST 27, 2012 4 <br /> Mayor Grant opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> There being no comments from the public, Mayor Grant closed the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Tamble moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion for the <br /> adoption of Resolution 2012-029: Adoptinsz and Confirming Quarter 2 <br /> Special Assessments for Delinquent Utilities. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (4-0). <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Planning Case#12-013 —Variance at 1185 Benton Way <br /> Community Development Intern Horton stated that an application was received from Ed and <br /> Karen Bacig at 1185 Benton Way in the Hunter's Park Development for a variance to allow a 574 <br /> square foot addition between their home and garage. The proposed plan includes a breezeway <br /> connecting the existing garage as well as a built area over the existing deck. He noted that this <br /> proposal is significantly similar to a previous variance request that was made by the property <br /> owners, and approved by the City Council in 2007, but was never built. At the time, a one-year <br /> extension was given and that extension has since expired. <br /> Community Development Intern Horton indicated that three variances are needed to complete <br /> this project. The zoning requirements include: 1) a side-yard setback minimum of five feet with <br /> a combined minimum of 15 feet on both sides is required, but the proposed plan results in <br /> combined setback of 10 feet; 2) the structural lot coverage is required by Code to not exceed 25 <br /> percent; however, the proposed addition would result in 27 percent lot coverage by structure; and <br /> 3) the landscaped lot area is required to be a minimum of 65 percent, and the proposed addition <br /> would only leave a landscaped lot area of 61 percent. <br /> Community Development Intern Horton noted that a new law passed legislation in 2011 that <br /> changed the review criteria cities must use when evaluating variance requests. He also noted that <br /> the Planning Commission unanimously passed this request when it was presented at their August <br /> 8, 2012, meeting. <br /> Councilmember Tamble inquired what constitutes the side yard setback because it looks like it <br /> was a front-rear issue. <br /> Community Development Intern Horton stated that the front yard is where the driveway comes <br /> in and the side yard is the north and south sides of the property. <br /> Mayor Grant inquired about the review criteria that was outlined and how it has changed from <br /> previous criteria. <br /> Community Development Intern Horton explained that the criteria have not changed, but rather <br /> the language changed from the term `undue hardship' to `practical difficulties'. <br /> Councilmember Holden inquired how the list of four conditions was established. <br />