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May 9, 2012, Draft Planning Commission Minutes <br />Planning Case 12-006 — Conditional Use Permit Amendment; Bethel University; <br />3900 Bethel Drive — Public Hearing <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the applicant has requested a Conditional Use <br />Permit (CUP) Amendment and Variance to construct a wellness center attached to the <br />north side of the Robertson Physical Education Center. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman provided an overview of the request stating Bethel <br />University is proposing to construct a 52,448 square foot wellness center over two <br />phases. The wellness center would be an addition to the north side of the Robertson <br />Physical Education Center and Hagstrom Student Center, in the same general location as <br />the existing temporary classrooms. The footprint of the addition would be 13,112 square <br />feet and would consist of four floors, with the first floor being located below grade. The <br />average height of the addition would be 39 feet, six inches. The height of the addition <br />would be comparable to the height of the buildings to which it is attached. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman noted Bethel University operates under a CUP Master <br />Plan. As the College comes forward with plans, they are reviewed against the Master <br />Plan for consistency. While building plans consistent with the Master Plan require a site <br />plan review, those not included in the original plan must be approved through a CUP <br />Amendment. The Master Plan includes a future fitness center, which is shown as an <br />addition to the existing sports and recreation complex on the south side of the campus. <br />At this time, Bethel is proposing to construct a fitness center, but in a different location <br />that was previously anticipated, and with a broader array of services and amenities related <br />to the overall wellness of the students. Because the location and size of the project are <br />being adjusted from what was included in the 1996 Master Plan, a CUP Amendment is <br />necessary. Furthermore, the maximum height allowed for buildings in the B-1 District is <br />35 feet. A variance is needed to allow the building to be constructed at a height of 39 <br />feet, six inches. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated as part of the application, Bethel University is also <br />proposing adjustments to the timing and location of the temporary classrooms that are <br />located in the general area of the proposed wellness center. Two of the four classrooms <br />are proposed to be relocated to the parking area on the north side of the Community Life <br />Center, while the other two would remain in their current configuration. Upon <br />completion of Phase II all four temporary classrooms would be removed. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the Zoning Requirements. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed Bethel University is proposing this project over <br />two phases: She indicated on an aerial view map the locations of the proposed temporary <br />classrooms and Phase I and Phase II of the project. <br />