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Staff Recommendation <br />Staff acknowledges that his site is an important gateway to the B-2 District, and yet remains vacant. Two <br />other development applications have been reviewed by the City and approved in the past two years on this <br />property, both of which did not come to fruition. Staff understands the frustration of both the City and <br />developer to find a mutually beneficial and productive reuse of this property. In that vein, if the Planning <br />Commission chooses to approve this application, Staff recommends the following conditions of approval: <br />l. The project shall be completed in accardance with the plans submitted as amended by <br />the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the <br />City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. <br />2. Development agreements, drafted by the City Attorney, shall be signed by the <br />property owners of Lot 1 and Lot 2 prior to the execution of the Final Plat. <br />3. The applicant shall provide for park dedication in an amount of $ 6�'� ���"" � f��?`�. <br />The park dedication shall be paid in full prior to the execution of the Final Plat, or the <br />property owner shall enter into an agreement for a payment plan that is in accordanee <br />with Section 1130.08 Subd E of the City Code. ���t �, I���c��c ��i���r_��� ��°���cpt��l b, ������.��ed <br />;� �133_.3�0 w� tael��u�; t��ais amc,da��t_x��c�r� ��c���°��c>ij a�;��til��� t��:� �r�,fl��aEy+ �}�� �i�c: ����ri� <br />4. The applicant shall provide drainage and utility easements, in favor of the City, in <br />accardance with 1130.05 of the City Code, prior to the execution of the final plat. <br />5. The applicant shall provide a 30-foot by 30-foot triangular permanent easement at the <br />intersection of Lexington Avenue and County Road E for roadway and utility purposes, <br />as well as gateway monument ' r,A�• ��°�� <.i� ��k h:, � �. �;,� ' �._��� ��� ��������..�a-�Rf ��` <br />� <br />�� ., ;,. <br />�;� .k�, -�$ ; F�R.�;F. �'(� �; F���. _��Y:B� �e'�� C d.�13�su ��� °;I�y.,r.i�fws:a w�:: �„ tf � #.� ��f;"% <br />6. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with Ramsey County within 180 days of City <br />approval, or the approval for the Final Plat shall expire, unless extended by the City <br />Council prior to the approval's expiration. Extension requests must be submitted in <br />writing to the City at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. �9��,rt„_36 � c��� �76� �sst��� o,� <br />�� t�.�t''^ �' �� '; ei�*= s'*:'t��i :.'.13i i:i eit� ji§'�V1E911"��� c`i�7)?l'C9�'4,„� ���� C'6 t cs,ia}��t�;i`Il�iw <br />7. The applicant shall dedicate to the City a twelve-foot wide pedestrian easement along <br />the property lines adjacent to County Road E and Lexington Avenue, within which the <br />six-foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed. This will likely need to be provided in a <br />separate document from the plat ��h��. � �: .,� Xf,;;�. a�it, 4�:^���+�,$� �}����:��'� �,' ,��. 9= ,.ti�;, <br />i'wl �d <RE��;e .Da'i ¢. � �+� ..6w� 3 ':'_ i ���.dx{ r.... r�b� :3.}��,Sr#,pb�;�t .. � ::!d)liS� <br />T! �zA �a § Q :��4..�r..R� �6�t `2 nY' �kl . . n°,� .%�Z F"}ii ... . <br />8. The applicant shall provide limited access through the platting process for both the <br />Lexington Avenue and County Road E frontage for all areas not being allowed to be used <br />as driveways. This will likely need to be provided in a separate document from the_ ��'�_:. <br />�a`,j# f�3"; wra , t 3`ta '%" :e`�ilck r'�R: w:�"�P � ltlt�tt�' <br />9. The applicant shall provide a 64-foot wide easement along the western property line <br />for the City to implement a shared drive-aisle and parking solution to accommodate the <br />three businesses west of the property. The City's intention is to minimize impacts to the <br />property and to vacate any portion of the easement not part of the long-term solution. <br />The applicant shall not be required to improve any portion of property within this <br />easement until a solution is implemented. ���v�� ��������iµ�� � r��.,��1���r.s�� ���at c;��t� �;�~ <br />���rsi,��,_r;l����aP�����r�� �;� �f�;: �e_"`;�€ ��:g���_c��»s it have a plan to do so. Ifthe City wishes to <br />