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Planning Commission Recommendation <br />The Planning Commission recommends denial of Planning Case 12-009, based on the findings of <br />fact and submitted plans as presented in the April 18, 2012, planning case report. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Staff acknowledges that this site is an important gateway to the B-2 District, and has been vacant <br />for a year. Two other development applications have been reviewed by the City and approved in <br />the past two years on this property, both of which did not come to fruition. Staff understands the <br />frustration of both the City and developer to find a mutually benefcial and productive reuse of <br />this property. Furthermore, additional information has been submitted since the Planning <br />Commission reviewed this application. If the Council chooses to not follow the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation, then Staff recommends tabling this item to review the new <br />inFormation, which may include bringing it back to the Planning Commission so that their <br />recommendation may be based on a full analysis of all the information. <br />Options & Proposed Motion Langua�e <br />l. Recommend Denial: Motion to recommend denial of Planning Case 12-009 for a <br />Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master and Final PUD at 1201 County Road E based on the <br />findings of fact, submitted plans, and the following additional reasons: findings to deny <br />should specifically reference the reasons for denial and why those reasons cannot be <br />mitigated. <br />2. Table: Motion to table Planning Case 12-009 for a Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master <br />and Final PUD at 1201 County Road E to allow staff additional time to review new material, <br />this may include bringing it back to the Planning Commission for a full review. <br />Deadline for Agency Actions <br />The City of Arden Hills received the completed application for this request on April 4, 2012. <br />Pursuant to Minnesota State Statute, the City must act on this request by June 3, 2012 (60 days), <br />unless the City provides the petitioner with written reasons for an additional 60 day review <br />period. The City may, with the consent of the applicant, extend the review period beyond the <br />City ofArden Hills <br />City Counci! Meeting for May 14, 2012 <br />P.• IPlanninglPlanning Cases12012112-009 -1201 County Road E- PUD and Plat (PC Denied)105-14-12 - Holiday Inn - Memo.docx <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />