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5G, Commission-Committee Appointment Policy
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5G, Commission-Committee Appointment Policy
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10/5/2012 2:44:09 PM
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10/5/2012 2:44:02 PM
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4. If there are existing applications on file, the Council liaison, <br /> committee/commission chair, and staff liaison will meet to determine whether <br /> additional recruitment is necessary for filling a new vacancy. <br /> 5. To encourage wider public participation on committees and commissions, <br /> members will not be allowed to serve more than nine (9) consecutive years on a <br /> particular committee or commission. Members who have completed their terms <br /> are eligible to apply for appointment to a vacancy on another Committee or a task <br /> force. <br /> 6. City residency is required unless exempted by State Statutes or City Ordinance. <br /> 7. The Assistant City Administrator shall keep all application materials received <br /> during the calendar year. If a vacancy occurs during the calendar year,previous <br /> applicants will be considered for the vacant position. The Council reserves the <br /> right to appoint any qualified candidates even though they did not apply as a <br /> result of an advertisement. <br /> 8. All applications received will be acknowledged with a letter to the applicant <br /> outlining the expected time frame for appointing a new member(s)to a committee <br /> or commission. The acknowledgement letter will be signed by the Assistant City <br /> Administrator and the staff liaison. <br /> 9. Following an appointment by the City Council to a committee or commission, all <br /> candidates will receive a letter from the City informing them of their status. <br /> 10. There is no implied guarantee of appointment or reappointment to any committee, <br /> commission, or task force. The sole responsibility for appointment to any City <br /> committee lies with the Mayor as the recommending authority and the City <br /> Council as the confirming authority. <br /> GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTING TASK FORCE MEMBERS- <br /> 1. Offer Arden Hills residents the opportunity to participate on a City task force. <br /> 2. A timeline for the task force to complete their City Council directive will be <br /> provided. <br /> 3. City staff shall advertise all task force opportunities. The ad shall include a brief <br /> description of the task force, time and days of meetings,how often meetings are <br /> held,the number of vacancies, and any special requirements. City staff may <br /> utilize the following resources to advertise the task force openings: local <br /> newspaper, City newsletter, City of Arden Hills website, local access cable <br /> channel, and at City Hall. <br /> 4. City residency is required unless exempted by the City. <br /> 5. The Assistant City Administrator shall keep all application materials received <br /> during the calendar year. If a vacancy occurs during the calendar year,previous <br /> applicants will be considered for the vacant task force position. <br /> 6. Formal interviews are not required,but encouraged when there are multiple <br /> candidates for the same position. For a broad-based task force, there should be <br /> emphasis on having representation of a variety of skills, aptitudes, geographic <br /> locations, etc. <br /> 7. The Council reserves the right to appoint any qualified candidates even though <br /> they did not apply as a result of an advertisement. <br /> 3 <br />
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