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Draft Minutes - October 15, 2012 Work Session
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Draft Minutes - October 15, 2012 Work Session
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 15, 2012 7 <br /> City Planner Beekman explained that the City does own an easement at County Road D and <br /> Cleveland Avenue that could potentially house a sign, but the easement specifies that the sign <br /> cannot exceed four feet in height. Another possible location for this sign is on the triangle parcel <br /> at 3151 Lake Johanna Boulevard. <br /> Councilmember Tamble presented a sketch of a possible layout for the sign with landscaping on <br /> the triangle parcel. He noted that the sign would look best situated closer to the front portion of <br /> that piece of property so it does not look `lost' on the site. He suggested planting trees or other <br /> embellishments and estimated approximately $800 -$1,000 worth of material cost. <br /> City Planner Beekman noted that Public Works Director Maurer is comfortable with his staff <br /> doing the planting, which would cut down on commercial landscaping costs. <br /> Councilmember Holden inquired if the sign will be lighted and if the plants can survive the salt <br /> from the street. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that the sign will be lighted and plants hardy enough to survive <br /> salt will be chosen for the landscape plan. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher stated the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency <br /> (MPCA) is in receipt of the final environmental report from the testing that was done on the <br /> triangle parcel. It will be another month or two before a final report is issued by the MPCA. She <br /> explained that there is soil contamination, but it is approximately 10 to 12.5 feet deep, so there <br /> should be no issue installing a sign or planting material at that location. She did note that there <br /> are currently no deed restrictions; however, if it was to be developed in the future, it is likely that <br /> the MPCA would need to be contacted regarding additional remediation. <br /> The Council requested that staff research possible park related items or decorative items, as well <br /> as their cost, for placement on the triangle parcel in conjunction with the Gateway sign. A few <br /> suggestions included a gazebo, a clock, and benches. <br /> F. 2012 Fall Community Cleanup Day Update <br /> City Planner Beekman provided an update on the fall cleanup day that was held on October 6, <br /> 2012. She noted that twice as many cars came through on Saturday than during the fall event last <br /> year, and $2,659 were collected in fees. The increase in participation may be due to the fact that <br /> separate mailers went out to individual households rather than an advertisement in the City's <br /> newsletter. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated that the cleanup day event is cosponsored with the City of <br /> Shoreview. The event is organized and managed by the City of Shoreview who is proposing to <br /> offer the event free of charge to residents. This would encourage added participation by residents <br /> and would likely reduce the amount of staff required for the event. Additionally, it will eliminate <br /> long wait times associated with vehicle inspections and fee collection. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the City was agreeable to waiving the fees. <br />
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