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Plan Amendment means the process identified in Section 3.3 required to amend the <br /> TCAAP Master Plan. <br /> Private Utilities means telephone, cable, satellite, gas and electric service available on <br /> the TCAAP Site necessary to serve a Development Site. <br /> Public Improvements means the construction and financing of necessary off-site and on- <br /> site transportation improvements, as well as internal streets, water and sanitary and storm sewer <br /> and other public facilities and other public and private utilities and improvements to be located <br /> on the TCAAP Site and to be constructed by the City and County as described in this Agreement. <br /> Shared Public Improvements means the design and construction of the TCAAP Site <br /> regional storm water retention pond system to be developed as part of the Public Improvements, <br /> the cost of which shall be shared by the Parties; and any other public infrastructure <br /> improvements determined by the Parties to require, or be appropriate for, shared responsibility. <br /> TCAAP means the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant. <br /> TCAAP Joint Development Authority means the joint development agency ("JDA") <br /> created by the Parties to develop and implement the TCAAP Master Plan. <br /> TCAAP Master Plan means the plans, official controls and map guiding the density, <br /> location and timing of implementation of the components of the New Development on the <br /> TCAAP Site, as further defined in the Recitals above and Article III below of this Joint <br /> Agreement. <br /> TCAAP Site means the real property which is the subject of this Joint Agreement and <br /> which contains approximately 437 acres of land where the New Development is proposed, as <br /> depicted on attached Exhibit A. <br /> Term means the Initial Term of this Joint Agreement ending in 2038 as provided in <br /> Section 5.5 of this Joint Agreement; and any Additional Term as defined therein <br /> (The remainder of this page left intentionally blank) <br /> 5 <br />