Laserfiche WebLink No disbursements shall be made from such accounts for non-JDA <br /> expenses and purposes. Payment and disbursement of funds by check or withdrawal shall <br /> require the signatures of the Chair of the JDA and the individual designated by the <br /> County to assist in JDA fiscal matters, which shall be the Director of Finance or <br /> designee. <br /> Revenue collected by the JDA shall be paid to the Parties as <br /> described in Section 3.7. <br /> 2.3.4. Annual Budget. The JDA shall prepare an annual budget and submit it to <br /> the Parties as provided in this section. <br /> With the first annual budget and in subsequent years, the JDA <br /> shall each year prior to May 1 prepare an annual operations budget that estimates funding <br /> required by the JDA to conduct its business over the next calendar year. The JDA shall <br /> coordinate its budget process with the Parties' budget planning process Prior to <br /> September 1 of each year, the JDA shall, after its review and approval, submit the annual <br /> budget to the City and County. The budget shall be substantially balanced. The budget <br /> shall follow the format as established by the JDA after consultation with the City Finance <br /> Director and the County Director of Finance, and at a minimum provide the following <br /> information: <br /> (1) Estimated Revenues, divided as follows: <br /> a. Any Grant monies, private, State or Federal <br /> b. Revenues from JDA Application fees <br /> C. Revenues from JDA Permit fees <br /> d. Contributions from County <br /> e. Reserves <br /> £ Developer escrow/fees <br /> g. Miscellaneous revenues <br /> (2) Estimated Expenditures, divided as follows <br /> a. Personnel services <br /> b. Contract Services <br /> i. Legal <br /> ii. Engineering <br /> iii. Fiscal/Audit, including the Fiscal Agent <br /> iv. Planning <br /> v. Administrative <br /> C. Services other than personnel or consultants <br /> d. Supplies and materials <br /> e. Office administration, e.g., phones, supplies <br /> f. Capital Outlay (incl. Office and Building rent if applicable, <br /> equipment such as phones and computers) <br /> g. Payment of invoices for services to the JDA provided by a Party. <br /> h. Miscellaneous expenditures <br /> 8 <br />