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ARTICLE IV <br /> LIABILITY <br /> Section 4.1. Responsibility for Risks and Liabilities. Each Party shall be liable for its <br /> torts and the torts of its employees, agents and consultants in undertaking its respective <br /> individual responsibilities as described in this Joint Agreement. Notwithstanding any language <br /> to the contrary in this Joint Agreement, the Parties agree that liability arising out of the activities <br /> of the JDA and the Parties shall be subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section <br /> 471.59, subdivision lb., as it may be amended. <br /> Section 4.2. Insurance. The Parties intend that the JDA be insured for its tort liability <br /> and general liability as a joint powers board. The Parties shall coordinate the insurance coverage <br /> and carriers, and allocate such responsibility pursuant to advice from its carriers, or as <br /> determined by its self-insurance advisors as the case may be. The costs of insurance for the JDA <br /> shall be the responsibility of County. The JDA shall be insured as follows: <br /> 4.2.1. Comprehensive general liability insurance with limits against bodily injury <br /> and property damage of not less than $1,500,000 for each occurrence. <br /> 4.2.1. Workers' Compensation insurance providing statutorily required coverage. <br /> 4.2.3. Each Party shall primarily insure its staff assigned to the JDA and be <br /> primarily liable for injuries to its employee(s) while performing duties on behalf of the <br /> JDA. <br /> 4.2.4. The Parties intend that to the extent JDA activities take place on property <br /> owned or controlled by a Party, the JDA shall assume primary liability for injuries or <br /> death to any person, or any property damage that may occur. <br /> 4.2.4. At such time as the JDA may be authorized by the Parties to hire and retain <br /> employees, the JDA shall procure insurance as required by this Article and become <br /> primarily liable for injuries to and the tort liability of such employees. <br /> Section 4.3. Liability Insurance. Any costs for insurance by the Parties for their <br /> respective coverage as a member of the JDA shall be the responsibility of that Party. Each Party <br /> agrees that it shall, at its own expense, carry and maintain in full force and effect during the <br /> Initial Term and any Additional Term of this Joint Agreement (as Term and Additional Term are <br /> defined in Section 5.5 below) comprehensive public liability insurance, including personal injury <br /> liability coverage, in amounts which meet or exceed the maximum liability limits per claim or <br /> any number of claims per occurrence under Minnesota Statute Section 466.04, Laws of <br /> Minnesota 2012 or as thereafter amended, to address that Party's liability arising out of its <br /> respective activities under this Joint Agreement. <br /> 19 <br />