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SCHEDULE B <br /> Elements of TCAAP Master Plan <br /> A. Public Engagement Process. Prior to beginning work on the Master Plan, a public <br /> engagement process will be defined. Public engagement activities will occur throughout the <br /> master planning process and will be correlated to significant decision points. The public <br /> engagement process will include: <br /> a. Interactive participation by stakeholders <br /> b. Community outreach and communication; and <br /> C. Input from the development community. <br /> B. Land Use Component to include: <br /> a. Density, intensity, and use framework that is consistent with existing Mixed <br /> Business and Mixed Residential zoning; <br /> b. Definition of development character including aesthetic, streetscape, and <br /> architecture themes; and <br /> C. Identification of zoning district overlay categories. <br /> C. Circulation and Movement Component to include: <br /> a. Traffic study; <br /> b. Location of spine road, major arterials, and collectors; <br /> C. Pedestrian and bicycle circulation plan; <br /> d. Street hierarchy including complete streets designations. Street hierarchy should <br /> be based on consideration of both land use and circulation; <br /> e. Identification of significant development nodes; <br /> f. Identification of transit opportunities; <br /> g. Principles of bridge design to incorporate site-wide design features; and <br /> h. Right-of-way management and maintenance policy. <br /> i. City right-of-way <br /> ii. County right-of-way <br /> iii. Privately maintained right-of-way <br /> D. Utilities Component to include: <br /> a. Private utilities plan to include location of Xcel substation; <br /> b. Water utility plan; <br /> C. Sewer plan; <br /> d. Stormwater plan to include consideration of regional or site-wide stormwater <br /> infrastructure; and <br /> e. Renewable energy opportunities. <br /> E. Parks and Open Space Component to include: <br /> a. Park and open space plan shall include: <br /> i. 20-acre central park; <br /> ii. 4 2-acre neighborhood parks; <br /> iii. Regional trail corridor; <br /> iv. Reference to trail/pedestrian/bicycle circulation plan; <br /> V. Cost estimate; and <br /> vi. Park dedication policy. <br /> b. Park and open space hierarchy to include general characteristics and use <br /> B-1 <br /> 409894v11 MTN AR200-13 <br />