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lt <br /> EN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: December 18, 2012 Agenda Item: 3.A. <br /> TO: Parks Trails and Recreation Committee - <br /> FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br /> SUBJECT: 2013 Goal Discussion <br /> Background <br /> At the last PTRC meeting in November, the committee began discussing goals for 2013. Each <br /> year, the PTRC sets goals for the upcoming year. Attached are the approved goals from 2012. <br /> Goal setting helps the committee establish a work plan for each year. <br /> The City Council and PTRC typically hold a joint meeting in March. This will give the PTRC <br /> the opportunity to discuss the vision/goals with the Council members. Staff is recommending <br /> that the PTRC revise the ongoing/as needed goals and then suggest/present a list of <br /> topics/potential projects versus setting annual specific goals for review. This will give the <br /> Council and PTRC the opportunity to work together to set the vision/goals and work plan. Staff <br /> also recommends the February meeting be focused on preparing a presentation for the joint <br /> March meeting. <br /> Ideas that were brought up at the last meeting were: Freeway Park enhancements, accessibility <br /> for parks and trails, buckthorn eradication process, upgraded bathrooms in parks, paper free <br /> PTRC packets, resident survey and/or updated open space plan and recreation program input. <br /> Action Requested <br />— ------ Staff-is-l-ooking-for-the-Committee--to--solidify-the-ongoing-or-as-needed-committee-vision/goals--- - — <br /> and a list of topics/potential 2013 projects in order for those to be put into a presentation for the <br /> March joint meeting. <br /> 12182012 2013 Goal Discussion.doc <br />