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Draft Minutes November 19, 2012, Work Session
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Draft Minutes November 19, 2012, Work Session
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—NOVEMBER 19, 2012 2 <br /> Mike Norton, Kennedy & Graven explained that hot spots were subject to remediation. The <br /> idea was that fee title would be obtained once the County remediation was complete. The County <br /> would not be able to sell the property for development until the hot spots were cleaned. <br /> i <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how someone could develop near County Road H, if the <br /> County did not have marketable fee title in this location. <br /> City Administrator Klaers explained development would not be allowed because the area did <br /> not have utilities. He stated that no site would be able to be developed until marketable fee titles <br /> were obtained by the County and this would occur after the site was properly remediated. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested the word"significant"be removed from Item D on Page 1. <br /> Councilmember Holden inquired if the City would be responsible for any expense for improved <br /> County roads in TCAAP. She wanted to be assured the City would not be assuming any of these <br /> costs. <br /> Mr. Norton stated that later in the agreement, off-site transportation expenses are addressed. He <br /> noted that off-site transportation issues and expenses would be the County's responsibility. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how the City could avoid putting $4 million of public assets into <br /> the site up front. She expressed concern that the City would be liable for improvements if the <br /> County were to sell the land near County Road H. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that money would be needed for trunk utilities and <br /> assessments could be established to assist with this expense, in addition to rate adjustments. <br /> Mr. Norton explained the City would still have the right to refuse utilities through the JPA <br /> language. He commented that the City was allowed to default back to the Master Plan, Zoning <br /> Code and Comprehensive Plan prior to approving any future development. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested the spine road be further addressed in the JPA and Master <br /> Plan. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested further explanation on the definition of the "City's <br /> Investment". <br /> Mayor Grant noted that any expense arising in the AUAR which was defined as a public <br /> improvement was the City's responsibility and would be recoverable. <br /> Mr. Norton stated this section was not meant to define all expenses covered but rather assure that <br /> the City would be allowed to recover these expenses. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked who would be responsible for the wellhead monitoring. She <br /> wanted to be assured the City was not liable for the wells. <br />
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