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EDA Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL EDA MEETING—NOVEMBER 26, 2012 4 <br /> the duties for the positions of secretary and treasurer, and that the annual meeting date has been <br /> identified as the last Monday of the month in January of each year. <br /> City Administrator Klaers indicated that the new EDA by-laws call for a quarterly meeting on <br /> the last Monday in the months of January, April, July, and October, with meetings commencing <br /> at 5:30 p.m. He noted that the EDA may also meet as needed in special meetings, which may be <br /> called by the President, any two Commissioners, or by the Executive Director of the EDA. He <br /> stated that a red-lined copy of the proposed EDA by-laws is included in the packet for the EDA's <br /> review. <br /> EDA President Grant stated that he would like the by-laws to clearly state who the members are <br /> who constitute the EDA authority. He recommended that under section 1. entitled, "The <br /> Authority", there should be a sentence that reads, "The Board of Commissioners shall consist of <br /> the five members of the City Council". <br /> EDA Commissioner Tamble agreed with EDA President Grant and feels that the clarity of the <br /> members of authority needs to be better defined. <br /> EDA Commissioner Holden inquired about the approval of EDA minutes. She would like to <br /> know if the EDA or the City Council approves EDA minutes. <br /> City Administrator Klaers stated that he believes the EDA minutes should be approved by the <br /> EDA, but he did not include them in the agenda. <br /> EDA President Grant requested that the last set of EDA minutes be included on the next EDA <br /> agenda. <br /> EDA Commissioner Holden requested that the EDA meetings start at 6:00 p.m. rather than 5:30 <br /> p.m., and if needed, the EDA meetings could reconvene after the regular Council meeting. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson stated that whatever is listed in the <br /> EDA by-laws will be considered the regular meeting days/times. If meetings deviate from that, it <br /> is considered a special meeting and must be posted as such. <br /> EDA President Grant directed staff to make the suggested changes and bring the EDA by-laws <br /> back to the next meeting. <br /> MOTION: EDA President Grant moved and EDA Commissioner Holden seconded a <br /> motion to table the Amendments to Economic Development Authority By- <br /> Laws as presented. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> None. <br /> 4. EDA MEMBER COMMENTS <br /> mmmmmmmmi <br />
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