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4C, Draft Minutes 12-17-12 Special
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4C, Draft Minutes 12-17-12 Special
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—DECEMBER 17, 2012 8 <br /> Councilmember Holden stated there was room along the rear of the building for the car port and <br /> the expense of the proposed car port would be made up in rental fees. <br /> Councilmember Tamble appreciated the idea of the car ports, but felt this should be left up to the <br /> developer. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated if this was a brand new building, the site would have underground <br /> parking available to its residents. However, because this was a redevelopment, the proposed car <br /> ports would offer future residents an option for covered parking. He agreed the parking should be <br /> appealing and financially feasible. <br /> Councilmember Werner did not support the car port as they were not visually appealing. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated her issue was that the site would not have garages or underground <br /> parking available. The proposed car port would be a small convenience offered to a portion of the <br /> residents. <br /> Stuart Nolan, 1000 West 801h Street, Bloomington, introduced himself as Mr. Davidson's <br /> business partner and explained that he managed thousands of apartments in the Midwest. He <br /> understood that car ports served a purpose, but expressed concern with snow removal in the <br /> winter months if the car port was required. <br /> The amendment failed (2-3) (Tamble, Werner and Holmes opposed). <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated the proposed efficiency and one-bedroom units required a <br /> number of variances from the City. She requested the number of efficiency apartments be reduced <br /> by two. This would create 19 efficiency units and six (6) one-bedroom apartments. She <br /> expressed concern with the demand for a 350 square foot efficiency unit. <br /> AMENDMENT: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to <br /> add Condition 23 which would reduce the number of efficiency units to <br /> 19 and increasing the number of one-bedroom apartments by one. <br /> City Planner Beekman asked which efficiency units should be combined. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested the EUB units that were 358 square feet in size be combined <br /> into a one-bedroom unit. <br /> The amendment carried (3-2) (Tamble and Werner opposed). <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if the City had any rules as to the use of EIFS. <br /> City Planner Beekman discussed the design standards required on the front fagade noting the <br /> minimum standards were being met. She stated the areas not being altered did not have to be <br /> brought up to meet the minimum standards. <br />
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