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June 2001
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
June 2001
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E <br /> The Official City Newsletter for Arden Hills Residents _ June 2001 <br /> Charlotte McNiesh- <br /> Former clerk-administrator played important role in community's growth <br /> er name may not be familiar The result was that for 25 years,whether Highway 96(which had formerly served <br /> to recent Arden Hills resi- as accountant or as clerk-administrator, Mounds View Township)consisted <br /> fents or those dating back only Charlotte McNiesh was Arden Hills for primarily of the council chamber.Office <br /> through the 1990s,but is significant to many people--residents,employees, additions were constructed later to house <br /> many others.Charlotte McNiesh was part committee chairs,councilmembers and support services for the police,public <br /> of the Arden Hills village staff for almost even mayors. Bob Woodburn,mayor works,parks and other village functions <br /> half of the life of Arden Hills as an from 1981 to 1988,rates her the best as well as those of accounting,zoning <br /> incorporated entity.She headed it as thing there could have been for Arden and council records.Charlotte remembers <br /> clerk-administrator from 1973 through Hills during his tenure as a that when the adjacent Arden Hills North <br /> 1986.(Arden Hills was first a village councilmember and then as mayor. Homes Association townhouse develop- <br /> before,along with all other former Unlike many other past employees and ment was built in 1976,it apparently <br /> Minnesota villages,it became a city in village/city officials,both he and she still disturbed a snake habitat,and the village <br /> 1973.)She first joined the village staff in reside in their longtime Arden Hills hall would be invaded from time to <br /> 1962 as a part-time accounting assistant homes,he on Ingerson Court and she on time by garter snakes! (The hall was <br /> to then clerk-administrator Lorraine Siems Court. demolished in <br /> Stromquist.Her time on the job 1998 when the <br /> increased significantly over the next 11 He remembers not For 25 years, Charlotte staff had been <br /> years as accounting needs grew in only that she was a McNiesh was Arden Hills moved to the <br /> volume and complexity beyond the time capable staff present temporary <br /> that a part-time treasurer could devote to administrator but for many people. city hall location <br /> them. also that there was in the Round Lake <br /> a lot of contact Business Center.) <br /> An able and versatile public servant with council <br /> When Lorraine resigned her position in members and other volunteer officials, Significant developments <br /> early 1973,Charlotte became her and she always had the answers they Among significant developments during <br /> successor,continuing as clerk-administra- needed to do their jobs. her tenure,Charlotte remembers that <br /> for and later managing a growing village when Control Data built and occupied <br /> hall staff until resigning in 1986. She Arden Hills'population was significantly what is now the Arden Technology <br /> served until the year-end appointment of smaller then than now,but the village hall Center at Lexington and County F, it <br /> her first successor,Patricia Morrison, functions included most of the present doubled the village's assessed property <br /> who stayed only a little over one year. In ones,plus a six-person police force and valuation! (The Center was recently <br /> April, 1988,Charlotte was called back to two justices of the peace to handle the purchased by.neighboring Guidant <br /> fill in on an acting basis until the July resulting court cases.The police function Corporation.) Councilmembers wanted <br /> appointment of Gary Berger.(The was subsequently contracted to the to attract corporate headquarters like <br /> equivalent position today is that held by county sheriff. those of Land O'Lakes,MSI,and <br /> our present city administrator,Joe Guidant to support our primarily single- <br /> Lynch.) Memories from a career of service family residential housing, and early on <br /> In 1962,the then village hall on continued on page 2 <br /> f <br /> A Golden Celebration-Arden Hills' 50th anniversary <br /> Stop by for cake at Tony Schmidt Park at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 23, <br /> following the park grand opening ceremony. �. '%•tt`T <br />
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