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06-15-11 EDC Packet
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06-15-11 EDC Packet
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2/8/2013 11:44:38 AM
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in ar-der-to bet4er- Additionally, we <br /> recommend the FAA Q menifor-s the r#33 regular graphically monitoring of TIF projects either <br /> every other year or after a certain level of new TIF activity. <br /> The items that will be reviewed should include the total projected tax capacity,the percentage of <br /> increase in services since the last review,the number of TIP projects and their respective end <br /> dates,the effectiveness of active TIF projects to their original concept and any other statistics or <br /> benchmarks that the eommittee deemsdeemed to be of importance. <br /> Develop measurement criteria <br /> We recommend that the city debate and approve a set of long-term criteria with which to weigh <br /> potential TIF projects. <br /> The City has already developed a vision statement. The Committee considered whether this <br /> might be adequate as long term measurement criteria. One could simply compare a development <br /> project to the City's stated long-term strategic goals. While the process would be a good first <br /> step, we feel that it is too broadly worded to be used as criteria and would lead to confusion from <br /> both developers trying to assess how the city will view their individual projects and citizens who <br /> wonder why a particular project is or is not approved. We recommend the city develop a set of <br /> more refined, long-term selection criteria with which to weigh development projects seeking TIF. <br /> We further recommend that developing these criteria be done outside the process of considering <br /> • any individual project. This will help ensure, as best as possible, an independent view of the <br /> long-term needs and strategy of the City. These long-term criteria would then be integrated into <br /> the current process of evaluating business subsidies. <br /> Assign points <br /> We recommend using a point based assessment system. There are multiple ways to implement <br /> this,but the goal of any method should be that when a project is assessed it would be granted <br /> points relative to how much it met each criterion and how relatively important that criterion is. <br /> The intent of the points system is not that it would make the decision for the City Council,but <br /> rather that it would focus discussion on the most salient points of the project under consideration. <br /> Any large project is inherently complex and it is important to avoid prematurely debating its <br /> finer points. <br /> It has been suggested that an objective rather than subjective point system be developed,however given <br /> the complexity of redevelopment projects and the mix of short-and long-term costs and benefits involved, <br /> the Committee could come up with no strictly objective measure.That said,where possible we strongly <br /> encourage objective measure wherever feasible.We also recommend that specific minimum requirements <br /> be laid out, including enumerating any specific types of projects that are not considered appropriate for <br /> TIF because by their nature such projects do not provide the necessary long-term benefits. <br /> Scoring would be done by the City Council or its designated representatives. <br /> • <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />
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