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02-19-13-WS Packet
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02-19-13-WS Packet
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2/19/2013 9:58:34 AM
Creation date
2/19/2013 9:57:05 AM
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would be for larger retail or restaurant users. The site plan includes a drive-up window that <br />wraps around the eastern side of the property and outdoor seating areas. The applicant would be <br />seeking flexibility from the Zoning Code to allow the building to be placed closer to the <br />Lexington Avenue right of way. The building would be oriented to the west towards what would <br />eventually become a larger retail center in Phases II and III. <br />The applicant is also proposing to remove all three driveways associated with the Blue Fox <br />property; however, they would like to add an additional curb cut entrance on the property at 3771 <br />Lexington Avenue, across from Target’s southern drive access. The applicant would like to see <br />a stop light installed at this new intersection. The County is reviewing this request and is <br />considering doing a traffic study of the Lexington Avenue corridor from County Road E to 694 <br />in order to evaluate a stoplight proposal, as well as address other traffic concerns related to this <br />corridor. A formal application for a redevelopment would require a traffic study, which may be <br />able to be incorporated into a larger traffic analysis of the corridor in conjunction with the <br />County’s work. <br />Phase II of the Master PUD development would include reconfiguring of the existing building at <br />1130 Red Fox Road to reorient it towards the east and the new retail building, as well as the <br />construction of additional parking. The building is currently used as office and light <br />manufacturing. The applicant intends to repurpose the building into larger retail users. <br />Phase III would involve the demolition of the existing building at 3771 Lexington Avenue. <br />Three new buildings would be constructed, two of which would be two stories with retail on the <br />main floor and office above. The third building would be a single story and all retail. <br />Discussion <br />The Master Plan for the four parcels creates what could be a dynamic and visually attractive <br />retail center in Arden Hills. The retail uses would complement the area and are a good fit with <br />the adjacent land uses. The redevelopment also improves internal traffic circulation throughout <br />the sites and eliminates driveways onto Lexington Avenue and Red Fox Road that are nearest to <br />the intersection. The creation of a new intersection on the south side of the site also creates an <br />alternative route for people exiting the development to avoid the Red Fox/Lexington stop light. <br />Staff feels that additional traffic analysis is necessary, and would encourage Ramsey County to <br />take a broader look at the corridor to determine if a second stop light that serves Target and this <br />redevelopment is warranted. A second stop light would have the added benefit to existing <br />employees and customers of businesses in the Red Fox/Grey Fox industrial area as an additional <br />alternative to turning left onto Lexington Avenue. <br />As a standalone development Phase I, and the orientation of the building away from Lexington <br />Avenue, seems counter-intuitive; however, as a Master PUD that includes the two parcels to the <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for February 19, 2013 <br />24 <br />Page of <br />
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