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• <br /> Data Sciences International, Inc. LSC, Inc. <br /> 4211 Lexington Avenue North 1 4211 Lexington Avenue North <br /> Arden Hills,MN 55126 Arden Hills,MN 55128 <br /> 481-7410 fax:481-7417 482-4535 tax:482-4595 <br /> CEO:Brian Brockway � r <br /> Revenues:Under$10 million(up 15 percent from a year ago) CEO:James Murdakes <br /> Founded:1983 <br /> tl11pl0yeW:55(up from 52 a year ago) Revenues:$3 million projected for 1996(up from$700,000 last year) <br /> What they do:"We make implantable radiotelemetric devices for Founded:1985 by Don Crouse and Harriet Covertson,who acted <br /> monitoring vital signs,primarily for screening new pharmaceuti- solely as independent consultants until 1992 <br /> cals and other biomedical research," Brockway says. Employees:16(up from 12 a year ago) <br /> "We have customers in 30 countries,in- What they do:"We're a software-development company;we tar- <br /> _ eluding universities,government research gel the UNIX storage management market at the mid-and high <br /> "- labs,independent testing labs,and all the end,"says Murdakes,who joined the company in January 1993. <br /> DATA major pharmaceutical companies.If,for "Last October we launched a new software product,Storage <br /> INTERNATIONAL instance,they develop a new compound, Archival Manager File System <br /> it's necessary for them to determiner(�(� (SAM-FS), that manages, <br /> whether the drug is safe and effective.In order to do that,they LRIJI]�TORACECO..F1aR.a «] archives,and safeguards network <br /> need to collect vital signs from laboratory animals before and after data. It runs under Sun Micro- <br /> administration of the new compound they're testing.Our system system's Solaris version of the UNIX operating system.In the ma- <br /> provides a more humane method for collecting this information, jority of enterprises,about 75 percent of information is nonwork- <br /> reduces animal use,and provides them with a more accurate, ing data,another 10 percent is scratch data,and 15 percent is data <br /> more thorough,and more rapid technique for testing.Once our that you leave in your cache memory and work with every day. <br /> device is implanted,you can't even tell that the animal is being SAM-FS automatically and transparently archives nonworking <br /> monitored,as opposed to a typical tether system,where the ani- data onto the correct media." <br /> mal has a device or a catheter exiting the skin that is connected to Goals:"We're focused on storage management and want to be <br /> a sensor.With those devices,it's necessary to restrain the animal the dominant player in the UNIX Sun Microsystem market.Our • <br /> to prevent its movement.Our device allows the animal to move goals for 1996 are to build our distribution channels worldwide <br /> freely in its cage and go about its normal activities while it's being and to be profitable." <br /> monitored." On going publfC:"To really build the company we'll need to raise <br /> Goals:"We intend to grow a lot.We're developing new products capital through an IPO,and I suspect my board would like to see <br /> and new technologies that are going to continue to drive sales up- that sooner than later." <br /> ward.In the future,we will also be applying our technology to the Initial funding:Self-funded <br /> human health-care markets,where there are a number of applica- <br /> tions in which it's necessary to very frequently and accurately <br /> monitor vital signs of patients who are ambulatory." <br /> On going publIC:"It's certainly is an option we're keeping open." <br /> Initial funding: "The primary source of funding for the company <br /> was$1.2 million in SBIR[Small Business Innovation Research] <br /> grants and a lot of sweat equity as well.The founders also took <br /> salaries that were significantly below the norm,which helped a lot <br /> in getting us started.Because we've used SBIR grants extensively, <br /> the employees own about 90 percent of the stock of the company. <br /> We've only had to sell off about 10 percent through a couple of <br /> small private placements." <br /> • <br />
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