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oy� <br /> THL:RSDAY, MARCH 18, 1996 Ski\T P\UL. PIONFER PRESS 3E <br /> 4J j INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS <br /> V <br /> GalaGen ends first dq- v at offer price 1 <br /> The initial public offering gives writers said in February that they <br /> z" LEE EGERSTROM STAFF WRITER <br /> GalaGen a market value of $67 hoped to sell the stock for between <br /> million. But, as is the case with $11 and $13 a share. <br /> 4`1 GalaGen Inc., the biotechnology most biotechnology stocks, that Land O'Lakes, the dairy cooper- <br /> °' firm that is working on therapeu- value is based on investors' inter- ative that founded GalaGen and <br /> tic products for AIDS, cancer and est in the company's future, not houses it at its Arden Hills head- <br /> other immune system patients, immediate earnings. quarters, will retain about 23 per- <br /> 9A went public Wednesday by offer- The offering sought to raise at cent of GalaGen's outstanding <br /> ing 30 percent of its outstanding least $20 million to support Gala- shares. The rest of the shares are <br /> shares to raise about $20 million Gen's continuing research and owned by various private inves- <br /> to support its research and clinical clinical trials for its lead product, tors, investment banking or ven- <br /> trials. Sporidin-G, which has shown ture capital firms, and a Califor- <br /> More than 553,700 shares of promise in protecting AIDS and nia biotech company. <br /> a GalaGen's 2 million-share offer other immune disorder patients Sporidin-G is made from colos- <br /> traded on the national over-the- from life-threatening diarrhea. trum, the natural antibody-laden <br /> counter market. GalaGen's under- Tests on the product are under milk taken from dairy cows the <br /> writers priced the stock at $10 a way, and the U.S. Food and Drug first few days after they've given <br /> share, where it closed at day's Administration has recognized it birth. Dairy farmer members of <br /> end. as an "orphan drug," meaning that Land O'Lakes will supply GalaGen <br /> Investors bid the stock up to GalaGen could have exclusive with the colostrum. <br /> $10.75 as it began trading, but it rights to it for at least seven Sporidin-G attempts to help <br /> quickly sank on a weak opening years AIDS and cancer patients receiv- <br /> market to the $10 offer price and Montgomery Securities heads an ing chemotherapy treatments by <br /> .bounced between $10 and $10.50 underwriting group offering the building passive immunity to bar- <br /> during trading. stock. The company and under- teria, parasites, fungi and viruses. <br />
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