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04-01-13 JDA
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04-01-13 JDA
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5A <br /> DRAFT COPY 04/01/2013 <br /> BYLAWS OF THE ARDEN HILLS AND RAMSEY COUNTY JOINT <br /> DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br /> ARTICLE I -THE AUTHORITY <br /> Section 1.1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the "ARDEN HILLS <br /> AND RAMSEY COUNTY JOINT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY" (which may sometimes be <br /> referred to as the "JDA" or the "Authority"), and its governing body shall be called the Board of <br /> Commissioners (the "Board" or the "JDA Board"). The JDA is a joint powers board created by the <br /> City of Arden Hills (tile "City") and the County of Ramsey (the "County") for the purpose of the <br /> redevelopment of the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant site (the "TCAAP Site"), The Board <br /> shall be the body responsible for the general governance of the Autthority and shall conduct its <br /> official business at meetings thereof. <br /> Section 1.2. Seal of Authority. The Authority shall not have an official seal. <br /> Section 1.3. Office of Authority. The offices of the Authority shall be at Suite 250 Court <br /> House, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul,MN 55102,attention Assistant County Manager. <br /> Section 1.4. Scope of Authority. The Authority shall have all the powers, duties and <br /> responsibilities set forth in that certain "Joint Powers Agreement for the Redevelopment of the <br /> Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant By and Between the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota and <br /> the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, December 17, 2012" (the "Joint Agreement" or the <br /> "JPA"), as amended from time to time, and all other applicable laws. <br /> ARTICLE 11 -BOARD <br /> Section 2.1. Number and Appointment of Commissioners. (a) The Board shall <br /> consist of a governing body of five (5) Commissioners (a "Commissioner" or collectively the <br /> "Commissioners") appointed as follows: two (2) members from the City Council of Arden Hills <br /> (the "City") appointed by the City Council; two (2) the members from the County board of <br /> Ramsey County (the "County") appointed by the County Board; and one (1) non-elected official <br /> member appointed by the City Council who shall be a resident of the City. All Commissioners <br /> shall serve for a two (2) year term. Terms of the respective elected officials serving as a <br /> Commissioner shall coincide with their terms of office. <br /> (b) Subsequent to the initial appointment, the City and County may determine in its <br /> discretion the length of service of its respective Board members. In the case of a vacancy on the <br /> Board, the original appointing authority shall appoint a new member to fill the respective <br /> vacancy for the remainder of that terra. Each member shall serve until their successor is <br /> appointed and qualified as provided by the appointing authority. Each member shall serve <br /> without compensation; however each appointing authority may determine whether to pay per <br /> Page 1 of 8 <br /> 421119v5 MTN TW 185-1 <br />
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