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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> NOTICE OF <br /> ASSESSMENT HEARING <br /> TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br /> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that <br /> the Arden Hills City Council will meet The Council may upon such notice <br /> at 7:00 p.m.on May 13,2013,in the consider any objection to the amount <br /> City Hall Council Chambers at of the proposed individual <br /> 1245 West Highway 96,to consider, assessment at an adjourned meeting <br /> and possibly adopt, the proposed upon such further notice to the <br /> assessment for the 2013 Pavement affected property owners as it deems <br /> Management Program. Adoption by advisable. <br /> Under Minn. Stat. 435.193 to <br /> the Council of the proposed 435.195, the Council ma in its <br /> assessment may occur at the y, <br /> hearing. The following is the area discretion,defer the payment of this <br /> proposed to be assessed. special assessment for any <br /> Asbury Avenue North from the homestead property owned by a <br /> municipal boundary to Glenhill person 65 years of age or older,one <br /> Road retired by virtue of a permanent and <br /> Asbury Avenue North from total disability, or a member of the <br /> Glenhill Road to Edgewater National Guard or other reserves <br /> Avenue ordered to active military service for <br /> Ridgewood Road North from the whom it would be a hardship to make <br /> municipal boundary to the cul-de- the payments. When deferment of <br /> the special assessment has been <br /> sac granted and is terminated for any <br /> Glenhill Road from Asbury reason provided in that law, all <br /> Avvenue enue North to Snelling Avenue amounts accumulated plus <br /> North Edgewater Avenue from Asbury applicable interest become due.Any <br /> Avenue North to Ridgewood Road assessed property owner meeting <br /> Such assessment is proposed to be the requirements of this law may, <br /> payable in equal annual installments within 30 days of the confirmation of <br /> t <br /> extending over a period l Clerk for the prescribed form for he assessment, apply to the City <br /> seven <br /> years,the first of the installments to <br /> be payable on or before the first such deferral of payment of this <br /> special assessment on his/her <br /> Monday in January 2014, and will <br /> beer,iinterest,at the rate .of,3.801 property. <br /> percent per annum from the date of An owner may appeal an <br /> the assessment to District Court <br /> resolution.adoption the assessment pursuant to Minn.Stat.§429.081 by <br /> resh serving notice of the appeal upon the <br /> shall added the <br /> interest on the entire e first installment Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 <br /> assessment from the date of the days after the adoption of the <br /> assessment resolution until assessment and filing such notice to <br /> December ins ment, h each the District Court within ten days <br /> subsequent installment, when due, <br /> shall be added interest for one year after service upon the Mayor or <br /> on all unpaid installments. Clerk. <br /> You may at any time prior to Patrick Klaers <br /> certification of the assessment to the City Administrator <br /> (gulietin:May 1,2013) <br /> County Auditor, pay the entire <br /> assessment on such property, with <br /> interest accrued to the date of <br /> payment, to the City of Arden Hills. <br /> No interest shall be charged if the <br /> entire assessment is paid within 30 <br /> days from the adoption of the <br /> assessment. You may at any time <br /> thereafter, pay to Ramsey County <br /> the entire amount of the assessment <br /> remaining unpaid, with interest <br /> accrued to December 31 of the year <br /> in which such payment is made. <br /> Such payment must be made before <br /> November 15 or interest will be <br /> charged through December 31 of the <br /> succeeding year.If you decide not to <br /> prepay the assessment before the <br /> date given above,the rate of interest <br /> that will apply is 3.80 percent per <br /> year.The right to partially prepay the <br /> assessment is available. <br /> The proposed assessment roll is on <br /> file for public inspection at the City <br /> Clerk's office. The total amount of <br /> the proposed assessment is <br /> $213,659.64. Written or oral <br /> objections will be considered at the <br /> meeting. No appeal to District Court <br /> may be taken as to the amount of an <br /> assessment unless a written <br /> objection signed by the affected <br /> property owner is filed with the <br /> Municipal Clerk prior to the <br /> assessment hearing or presented to <br /> the presiding office at the hearing. <br />